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[Closed] Print is missing layers  

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Noble Member
Re: Print is missing layers


I am referring to Slic3r, which also comes with the printer and Drivers package (same directory as PrusaControl).

Sorry about that.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Napsal : 02/10/2017 1:56 am
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print is missing layers

Alright I have just started a new print of the same part I haven't been able to print correctly now, it is made with Slic3r not prusa control. File size was half of the prusa control gcode 😯

Napsal : 02/10/2017 1:31 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print is missing layers

So after an hour of printing same issue, this time with loud clicking noises from the extruder pulley.

I am going crazy with this printer, I believe more and more something serious must be wrong with it, I did a few cold draws to make sure the nozzle was clean and also did some loading at 280 degrees to make sure everything was flowing smoothly, and it was. I took of the nozzle but as soon as I take it off the plastic hardens so impossible to get it out. But I have molten plastic flowing out from the nozzle in a clean line.

It seems to me that the nozzle clogs up at some point after an hour of printing, and I have no idea why. At some prints it comes back if I let it run. Temperature seems stable all the way though.

This picture was taken just after I stopped the printer on the last run, pulley and extruder motor was saying clicking noises and nothing was coming out of the nozzle. I took the filament out and it looked like this:

Here is a video of the extruder misbehaving and at the end going back to running again. Sry for the focus, not easy on a moving target.

Napsal : 02/10/2017 5:58 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Print is missing layers

So after an hour of printing same issue, this time with loud clicking noises from the extruder pulley.[/url]

It's really hard to tell from your video but it looks like the grub screw isn't tight against the flat spot on the extruder motor shaft. Also, check the tension on your extruder springs. It looks too tight from the marks left on the filament.

Napsal : 02/10/2017 6:17 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print is missing layers

Hmm too tight, maybe, I guess I have been a bit worried it wouldn't grab on good enough, but grabbing on to well shouldn't cause my extruding issues should it?

Oh the pulley is definitely tightened very well, in some parts of the video you can see the screw following the flat surface as it should. Also it has been double checked more than a few times.

The pulley is also clean and without wear as far as I can tell. I really think the issue is in the nozzle end, either the heater is not doing it's job right or the nozzle is somehow broken.

Napsal : 02/10/2017 6:23 pm
Noble Member
Re: Print is missing layers

Hmm too tight, maybe, I guess I have been a bit worried it wouldn't grab on good enough, but grabbing on to well shouldn't cause my extruding issues should it?

Oh the pulley is definitely tightened very well, in some parts of the video you can see the screw following the flat surface as it should. Also it has been double checked more than a few times.

The pulley is also clean and without wear as far as I can tell. I really think the issue is in the nozzle end, either the heater is not doing it's job right or the nozzle is somehow broken.

This is the behavior you get if the tension is too tight. The screws should be 14mm out from the body with no filament in.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Napsal : 03/10/2017 3:22 am
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print is missing layers

So I have been doing a few prints with different filament spools just to make sure that this was in fact the issue. And it seems like it was. I remembered the distance as 12mm however in the assembly guide it says 13mm now. I have printed quite a few prints with 14mm between the screw head and the printed part (so including washers).

This seems to have been the issue. Thank you very much for your help. Now I will move on to my next issue, printer can't seem to print a round circle. But will start a new thread if I can't find anything on the issue in previous posts.

Napsal : 08/10/2017 4:38 pm
New Member
Re: Print is missing layers

I have two Prusas and one of them for almost a year. Since I started using it I've never had any problems with printing, however lines have begun to emerge in the middle of the prints. They do not follow a pattern and there are times when they appear and others do not. This situation is making me feel discouraged by my results. I did all the testing of the topic and others suggested elsewhere, but I could not solve it. Does anyone still have a suggestion for what's going on?

Napsal : 23/02/2018 6:12 pm
Peter L
Honorable Member
Re: Print is missing layers

I have two Prusas and one of them for almost a year. Since I started using it I've never had any problems with printing, however lines have begun to emerge in the middle of the prints. They do not follow a pattern and there are times when they appear and others do not. This situation is making me feel discouraged by my results. I did all the testing of the topic and others suggested elsewhere, but I could not solve it. Does anyone still have a suggestion for what's going on?

To me this looks like the filament stops extruding for a moment. There's a lot of things that could cause this:

  • You could have a bad batch of filament. Is this happening with just one filament or all filaments?

  • You could have a partially clogged nozzle. Nozzles can collect dirt and dust, and depending on the materials you print can wear out. Replacing the nozzle is a cheap way to fix this (or rule it out).

  • Your extruder gears might not be gripping enough. Check the tension and also clean out any bits of plastic dust in the teeth.
  • Napsal : 23/02/2018 7:07 pm
    New Member
    Re: Print is missing layers

    I have two Prusas and one of them for almost a year. Since I started using it I've never had any problems with printing, however lines have begun to emerge in the middle of the prints. They do not follow a pattern and there are times when they appear and others do not. This situation is making me feel discouraged by my results. I did all the testing of the topic and others suggested elsewhere, but I could not solve it. Does anyone still have a suggestion for what's going on?

    To me this looks like the filament stops extruding for a moment. There's a lot of things that could cause this:

  • You could have a bad batch of filament. Is this happening with just one filament or all filaments?

  • You could have a partially clogged nozzle. Nozzles can collect dirt and dust, and depending on the materials you print can wear out. Replacing the nozzle is a cheap way to fix this (or rule it out).

  • Your extruder gears might not be gripping enough. Check the tension and also clean out any bits of plastic dust in the teeth.

  • The problem was happening in more than one filament. I removed the z axis and the hotend and cleaned them. I went back to printing normally, but now another problem has appeared. The extruder gear is locking, causing the filament not to descend. I reinstated the screw that holds the gear in the stepper motor, cleaned the bearing and removed all the soot from the filament inlet, and even then at some undefined time it starts to skip the step when pushing the filament. I unscrewed the pressure adjusting screws, they worked well, but after a while they stopped again the descent of the filament. I keep trying to find the ultimate solution.

    Napsal : 05/03/2018 1:40 pm
    New Member
    Re: Print is missing layers

    I was able to solve my problem. It was the stepper motor of the extruder that was in trouble. I got in touch with the support and they gave me another one. Replaces the piece and everything is back to normal.

    Napsal : 24/04/2018 7:44 pm
    Stránka 2 / 2