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Preheat error when heating bed to 100c  

Active Member
Preheat error when heating bed to 100c


Whenever i try to preheat for ABS I get a preheat error when the bed reaches about 96C
When I help the bed a bit with a hot airgun it reaches a 100C and i can print without problems.
The printer is a standard MK2S, the only modification a e3d silicon sock on the print head.
Lower bed temperatures give no problem (90C and lower).

I have checked the voltages on PSU and the bed:
PSU without any heating : 12.88 V
PSU with during preheating: 12.30 V
Bed input voltage 11.80 V

Ambient temperature around 18C
Printer MK2S kit
Firmware 3.0.10

Is this normal behaviour or do i have a problem somewhere and if so is there a solution for my problem besides using a heat gun.

Napsal : 11/05/2017 7:23 pm
New Member
Re: Preheat error when heating bed to 100c

I have a two week old kit with the same issue. If I add a blanket of paper towels on the bed while heating it reached 100 degrees and then will start to print, but cools off after a few layers.

Do you need it to be in an enclosure? Would adding insulation under the bed help? I saw some people adding cork sheets or Ceramic Fiber Insulation Blanket.

Any suggestions?

(FYI - I did check the themister and it is in the foil and taped in place.)

Napsal : 12/05/2017 4:06 am
Active Member
Re: Preheat error when heating bed to 100c

There's a new firmware at that fixed this problem for me.

Napsal : 12/05/2017 2:11 pm
New Member
Re: Preheat error when heating bed to 100c


Make sure you are not running the cooling fan.


Napsal : 12/05/2017 8:51 pm
New Member
Re: Preheat error when heating bed to 100c


Make sure you are not running the cooling fan.


Do you mean the part cooling fan, right? Hot end needs to be cooled I assume.

Napsal : 12/05/2017 10:16 pm
Active Member
Re: Preheat error when heating bed to 100c

This may be late, but I have been running my mk2 for a year and recently I have noticed it taking longer to get upto the higher temp i.e. 95 to 105.
Please check the heat bed plug on your rambo as mine has melted and made a mess.
I think the movement loosens the screws securing the heat bed wire into the plug causing high resistance.
What I have done now is to use a separate misfit relay to take the load away from the mini rambo. These are only £15 uk.

I also have a migbot i3 clone which got me hooked and made me buy an original Prusa I3. I could never heat the bed hot enough to print abs until I fitted an external mosfet taking the load away from my electronics. Highly recommend this to save your own Prusa I3`s

Napsal : 13/05/2017 7:18 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Preheat error when heating bed to 100c

This may be late, but I have been running my mk2 for a year and recently I have noticed it taking longer to get upto the higher temp i.e. 95 to 105.
Please check the heat bed plug on your rambo as mine has melted and made a mess.
I think the movement loosens the screws securing the heat bed wire into the plug causing high resistance.
What I have done now is to use a separate misfit relay to take the load away from the mini rambo. These are only £15 uk.

I also have a migbot i3 clone which got me hooked and made me buy an original Prusa I3. I could never heat the bed hot enough to print abs until I fitted an external mosfet taking the load away from my electronics. Highly recommend this to save your own Prusa I3`s

I checked all the cables and they where all seated om and conectors looked good.
I am wondering if this is a psu problem, since the voltage drop seems fairly significant.

I might try a preheat of a lab supply or atx psu just to see if that works

Napsal : 14/05/2017 1:47 pm