If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?
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If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?  

Honorable Member
If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?

I will be building my MK2S soon (once I get around to ordering it) and I wonder if there are any parts that people would upgrade during the build.

I was reading last night about the bearings and how some people were using Drylin RJ4JP bushings instead of the supplied ones.. For the money, this seems quite a good idea.

Is there anything else that would benefit from an upgrade?

Respondido : 30/08/2017 10:40 am
Miembro Moderator
Re: If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?

If you want to upgrade to the Drylin then use the RJZM and the recommended SWM rods. The RJ4JP has to much space between the rods and the bearings.

But be warned, the RJZM has to be alinged very well, otherwise it is worser than the original. But if you manage the alignment, your printer is going very soft and smooth, it also is very quiet.

All in all : Not recommended for beginners !


Respondido : 30/08/2017 2:04 pm
Miembro Moderator
Re: If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?

For the y-axis make sure to use RJZM-02-08 as they are sized the same as the standard bearings already installed.

Respondido : 30/08/2017 3:26 pm
Mark Fortune
Active Member
Re: If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?

So I'm about 4 weeks into this printer, and I have to say at the beginning, I would've upgraded the cooling nozzle. I use this one: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2276997

I've also compiled a thingiverse list of upgrades that I have either made, or plan on making. If anyone has any input on the list please let me know!

I've also been looking at some of this user's designs: https://www.tinkercad.com/users/7Z01p6EVg8r-aaron-yourk
I have printed out his corner feet, and his front and rear Y plates, I'll see if those improve anything.

Again, if anyone more experienced has input on any of this, please let me know!

Original Prusa i3 MK2S

Respondido : 31/08/2017 9:02 pm
Active Member
Re: If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?

I'm less than a week into mine, and I sure wouldn't.

You're going to spend enough time calibrating/adjusting your kit when you start out. This is not trivial, it takes some patience and a lot of referring back here/asking questions/reading questions answered before.

The last thing I'd need is to have some non-standard parts which might introduce a new variable in that, so that when I ask a question, nobody knows how to answer. Beyond that, you'll never even know the benefit of the upgrade if you gain no experience with the stock parts first. You might find out you would've preferred the stock way.

Respondido : 31/08/2017 9:56 pm
Reputable Member
Re: If you were starting from scratch, would you upgrade any parts during the build?

I thought the same thing when I built my kit about a couple weeks ago. If you've never built or maintained a Cartesian style 3D printer AND if you want warranty support just in case you have faulty parts, build it stock. Run Benchy, until it is perfect...then yeah, have at it.

Once I had Benchy to my satisfaction (3 times), I made a host of mods to make my MK2S kit quiet. Unfortunately a lot of the parts used were my own and haven't posted them yet. PM me if you want my list or look for my recent posts. I'll post my parts if someone asks.

MK2S kit owner since 8/15/2017

Respondido : 03/09/2017 9:22 am