Curved prints + inconsistent first layer
Hello Everyone,
I'm having an issue with my brand new Prusa i3 mk2.
All calibrations tests have been made and went fine. Prusa logo was printed all-right and v2-calibration is now OK with -1mm.
The problem is : the first layer of my prints in inconsistent, see picture :
If I let the print go until the end, the object is curved on the bottom :
Do you have any idea what I missed?
Bed temp : 70C/60C
Extruder Temp : 195/185
Filament : PLA
Re: Curved prints + inconsistent first layer
your nozzle distance to bed is too high. adjust z. if you are already at -1mm you probably should adjust the PINDA probe.
Re: Curved prints + inconsistent first layer
The thing is : that the distance between nozzle and bed seems fine at the bottom of the piece. Right ?
Re: Curved prints + inconsistent first layer
I am surprised you pasted calibration, one half of the bed is clearly higher than the other.
Did you move your printer after doing the XYZ?
It looks like you need another calibration and live turn Z love here...
Re: Curved prints + inconsistent first layer
I am surprised you pasted calibration, one half of the bed is clearly higher than the other.
don't think so. looks like normal warping due to bad printbed adhesion.
to get the proper adhesion, you'll need to find the correct value for the live adjust z.
dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...
Re: Curved prints + inconsistent first layer
🙂 we have all the same " issue " lol