Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)
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Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)  

New Member
Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)

I3mk2 self-assembled kit. XYZ calibration fine. Never arrived at printing anything.

Every time I get to the bed leveling, I get the "Bed leveling failed. Sensor didn't trigger. Debris on nozzle? Waiting for reset." Since I've printed 0 mm debris is not likely - and nothing is to be seen.

But while the left does, the right Z motor / assembly does not move during the bed leveling. Please have a look at this video: (Dropbox, 18 seconds). Looking at videos of bed leveling on Youtube, this seems to be (as it sounds) an error.

Right Z motor / assembly gets stuck also at other times, but not consistently as when bed leveling. Left is never a problem. Have checked cabling and interchanged Z motor connectors on Rambo - still only problems with right Z.

After about ten days of failing to get a single print I'm getting sad. Any help much appreciated! Thanks!

Veröffentlicht : 05/03/2017 3:51 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)

Check protection cup on the right Z-motor. It looks like it (or something else) breaks motor shaft rotation.

Veröffentlicht : 05/03/2017 4:28 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)

Thanks for your fast reply, petr.u3!

Something did indeed hamper rotation, though not the protection cup: The bolt coming through the carriage mount scratched the back of the rod, especially when the carriage was low. I might have used a wrong bolt here. This is what it looks like:

I took the bolt back some, and now everything works: Bed leveling, printing.

Thanks again!

Veröffentlicht : 06/03/2017 11:35 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)

You mounted the screw wrong way. See step 7.

Veröffentlicht : 06/03/2017 12:04 pm
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Bed leveling fails every time - right Z motor / assembly does not move (video)

Good catch, david.t2! Indeed I did. Thanks!

Veröffentlicht : 06/03/2017 12:47 pm