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Surface finish low quality, rough top layer  

Eminent Member
Surface finish low quality, rough top layer

Hi all,

If possible, I would like some insight from people with more experience.
Lots of my prints have a rough surface top layer.

Granted it's my first try with Corkfill, but the sides look quite nice (0,15 layer height)

I've had similar result with Prusa PLA when printing the Prusa logo although not as rough (supplied gcode)

PS: the bottom has some marks too, would this be because of my Z adjust being to low? Or PEI contamination/damage)
I've attached some pictures

Thanks for any help you can give me.


I noticed after some testing the main reason wil probably be my live-Z adjust. I raised the nozzle back up again and the layers were al lot more smooth.
Will have to wait until the end of this 8h print to see the final result.
I did switch back to Prusa pla for that print and will dial in Corkfill some other time.


Veröffentlicht : 28/02/2017 12:57 am
Active Member
Re: Surface finish low quality, rough top layer

This is pretty normal for Corkfill IME - you could possibly try upping the temperature slightly?

The bottom is pretty normal too - there are certainly some bumps which look like they were caused by contamination on your PEI, but the swirly pattern is the best I've been able to come up with without squishing things into the PEI so hard that you get an elephant foot effect on the first layer. In fact, it looks like you have that too, so maybe you could try moving the Z up by 0.05mm or so.

Veröffentlicht : 02/03/2017 2:51 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Surface finish low quality, rough top layer

This is pretty normal for Corkfill IME - you could possibly try upping the temperature slightly?

The bottom is pretty normal too - there are certainly some bumps which look like they were caused by contamination on your PEI, but the swirly pattern is the best I've been able to come up with without squishing things into the PEI so hard that you get an elephant foot effect on the first layer. In fact, it looks like you have that too, so maybe you could try moving the Z up by 0.05mm or so.

Thanks for the tip Kirk.
I have indeed since this post corrected my live Z a bit higher. It was almost 0,1 too low.

I'll have to give Corkfill another go and play around with the temps as you suggest. Would love to be able to get the smoother finish like Colorfabb advertise on their site. (If it is genuine that is :))

Veröffentlicht : 02/03/2017 3:05 pm
Active Member
Re: Surface finish low quality, rough top layer

You really have to post process it to get it looking anywhere near good. It's just too... lumpy (for want of a better word) to come out nicely otherwise.

This is what stops me using a lot of these special filaments, I'm not at all good with tools, which is why I have a 3D printer to make things for me in the first place 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 02/03/2017 3:37 pm
Eminent Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: Surface finish low quality, rough top layer

I see your point 🙂
I think, as a newbie, it will take me some time to learn to see past the marketing propaganda.

That's why I like channels like Tom Sanladerer's and his Filaween series.

Just wish it was updated more frequently, but Tom's a busy man 😉

Veröffentlicht : 02/03/2017 3:51 pm