newest firmware issues required changes to print settings
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newest firmware issues required changes to print settings  

Honorable Member
newest firmware issues required changes to print settings

I was wondering how everyone else was dealing with the changes the new firmware introduced;

i had issues with the new calibration and seemed to take me a while to figure them out.(using latest release)

Since the printer now has an extra long start up with the Pinda before starting the bed height calibration i was running into lots of problems due to oozing. the extra oozing was fouling larger prints by messing up the first layer.

is there a retraction command that needs to be added to the Printer startup Gcode?

right now i'm taking the material down to the lowest recommended temperature for the first layer. the idea was lower temp would mean less oozing before start up.

when the first layer is completed then i ramp back up the high end of the recommended printing temperature range. the nozzle can sit for over 5 minutes now when i want to start a print so oozing is now a big problem.

next i had a hell of time with PLA all of a sudden after the firmware change. I messed with the LIVE Z for hours and it just would not stick to the PEI sheet no matter what. the only change was the firmware and yet it went from sticking to not sticking to the surface for the first layer and i couldn't get anything printed.

Finally the only thing that worked was increasing the First layer bed temp from 55 to 75 i have no idea why suddenly after weeks of printing this needed to change. i guess my Live Z changed meaning after this firmware change, but i ran a TON of bed leveling and first layer tests and they seemed to work fine until i tried to go to larger parts which i had no trouble with before.

if you had similar issues i would love to know and what worked for you.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 17/07/2017 5:50 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: newest firmware issues required changes to print settings

i forgot in my original post.

when i start the print with Hatchbox PLA i set the start temp to 180C and the bed to 75C with the usual slow down 70%(i believe) and then on the next layer i ramp up to 210C and then set the bed to 55C. the PLA is sticking this way but i'm not sure if this is correct. almost like a raft to get the PLA to stick. the drop to 180C to start is just for the Very long startup to reduce oozing while the printer is sitting.

I tried reducing speed to 50% for the first layer with the bed at 55 and it would not stick.

I tried all manner of squishing the Live Z down and it still refused to stick at 55C to start.

i also used a scotch bright pad to get any shine off the PEI and then the usual clean up with Acetone or 100% IPA

what lead me to raising the bed temp to start was i read an article that the Surface of PEI gets stickier the hotter you make the bed.
so i started to raise the bed temps and watched how a test parts first layer went down over and over as i raised the temp of the bed for the first layer.

so far with this new method after the firmware change I've logged over 20 hours of print production(knock on wood) with out issue.
I feel my Live Z is set too low but i don't want to mess with it since it is working at the moment.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 19/07/2017 3:42 pm
Noble Member
Re: newest firmware issues required changes to print settings

This seems very very cold for PLA. I print with Hatchbox (great!) but do the first layer at 215, the rest at 210. They key is to get a good squash on your first layer. See "Life Adjust Z - my way" thread in calibration. And a clean bed. I don't scratch it, as the surface adheres well by itself, just pure IPA.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 20/07/2017 4:22 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: newest firmware issues required changes to print settings

yes, i agree; 2 problems are occurring here at once.

The issue is oozing while the printer is waiting for the Pinda to reach temperature for 2 minutes so the Live Z is more accurate between different materials, then the 9 point bed level calibration to start. If i have my first layer at 215, then before the print can start the first layer gets wrecked by stray oozing from the new waiting period.

the live Z doesn't matter at that point since the stray PLA from the oozing flicks off on to the bed and then gets stuck to the nozzle and makes a huge mess. Me lowering the temp to the min on start up solved that issue by taking oozing down as much as i dare. This was why i'm wondering if a new Gcode Retraction command is needed on startup to print. then the first command would be to push the filament that same retraction distance to start the first layer. so dropping to min recommend temperature for the first layer solved one issue. I could manually install a new gcode command to increase temp to 215 right as the first layer starts. however once i tried that and i got a REALLY weird de-lamination issue just with the first .2 layer.

The second issue was PLA not sticking anymore to the PEI sheet with the prusa defaults after the firmware upgrade. i'm sure the new Live Z measurements are different with the older firmware so they only thing that worked well was increasing bed temps from 55 to 75 .

i ran Live Z tests and the problems did not show until i started to make larger parts. the LIVE Z bed tests were low and flat enough that at 55 degrees they were hard to flick off the bed. the live Z tests measured fine , after starting to really print i could see the first layer looked Bad and i tried to increase Live Z to get it to stick to the bed and nothing worked except increasing bed temp 20C.

I also ran a ton of Vcalibration tests and i thought i had a major problem with bed levels and ran more calibrations it all came back to the PLA suddenly after firmware upgrade from 3.0.10 to 3.0.12 not sticking

the scratching of the PEI and extra clean up was trying to see if the PEI was contaminated or something else had happened to it, all that just ruled that out as an issue.

once i get out of the first layer problems then i go back to the original prusa settings at 210C

the last 24 hours with my new printing method has so far been good.

i might of spoiled myself since i mostly printed with ABS and Nylon the last few weeks and they require the glue stick to get bed adhesion.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 20/07/2017 5:05 am
Noble Member
Re: newest firmware issues required changes to print settings

i might of spoiled myself since i mostly printed with ABS and Nylon the last few weeks and they require the glue stick to get bed adhesion.

I found that when using glue, and returning to a clean bed, the IPA did not remove the glue residue very well and left something that prevented adhesion. Windex followed by Acetone followed by IPA has restored things to good for me, and I do that whenever am changing from glue stick.

(e.g. when I switch from PETG to PLA)

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 21/07/2017 2:36 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: newest firmware issues required changes to print settings

yup i did all that also it came back to the firmware jump from .10 to .12 being the factor for my machine. i checked the bed heat sensor also and it is still inside the tape in the middle.

so far so good all day today with the new setup. i even backed off the live Z a little and i dare a little more for the next print.

“One does not simply use a picture as signature on Prusa forums”

Posted : 21/07/2017 4:44 am