The Provided 3D Printing Handbook Has An Error.
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The Provided 3D Printing Handbook Has An Error.  

Eminent Member
The Provided 3D Printing Handbook Has An Error.

There is a section in this handbook that seems to throw quite a few people off.
This is in regards to the "Bed Level Correct Section. The way it is worded makes it sound like if you put a "-20" value in it, then that said section would be "Slightly Less Squished". When in reality, putting that negative value will squish the filament even more. instead of it saying "we can raise or lower the bed" it should says "Nozzle" instead so we don't confuse more people. We need to make it clear that putting a Negative Value in the "Bed Level Correct" section will squish your line even more.
It's a little embarrassing, but when i first built my MK2S, I spend at least 30 minutes confirming all of this myself. and everyone in a different 3d printing forum has had the same experience. I was happy to learn i was not the only person who interpreted this section this way.

Posted : 18/07/2017 4:29 pm