Neosanding add on to slic3r or colorprint?
I'm really interested if this could be something added into slic3r or colorprint.
Here's how it works:
The nozzle height is the same as the top layer that you want 'sanded' smooth.
The extruder backk ups the filament a bit to avoid oozing.
The nozzle is then moved across the print while hot in an opposing angle to the fill causing any heighted areas to be melted smooth.
Re: Neosanding add on to slic3r or colorprint?
Thats amazing I have never seen this. What software currently does it?
Re: Neosanding add on to slic3r or colorprint?
Re: Neosanding add on to slic3r or colorprint?
oh so is more of a manual process playing with the settings and processes. I don't see a way to replicate it in Slic3r but It would be great to have a 1 button setting for this. It doesn't seem impossible to program since we already know here the top surfaces are.
I am going to have to try this with s3d the results looks pretty amazing
Re: Neosanding add on to slic3r or colorprint?
How do we get this to be added to the feature request of Slic3r?
I tried it in S3d with a really simple print and the results are better than what I originally thought
Re: Neosanding add on to slic3r or colorprint?
Never mind the request already exist.