Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW
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[Fermé] Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW  

Active Member
Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW

I had my MK3 for about more than a year without any issues at all, prints were perfect every time. Now after the upgrade, Im getting endless issues of HEAVY stringing, Bridging Issues (each fiber strand is seperated), Constant Oozing from the nozzle.  After wasting so much filament testing, I am very close throwing in the towel to take it apart and go back to my original Mk3 unless someone has any ideas or tweak.

I would like to get the mmu 2.0, so I would like to resolve this, but its so frustrating not getting a solid answer. I will post images later (at work now) of my test results.

Please help.




If it aint broke, dont fix it.

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 5 years par Luis
Publié : 10/09/2019 3:32 pm
New Member
RE: Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW

Hi Luis-m5

Can sympathise with your situation. Had a perfect working MK3 and decided to upgrade to MK3S. Looking back, not sure why. Probably the endless messages about upgrading. I get your point about if it ain't broke don't fix it. I now have a problem with the printer stopping after anything from ten minutes to an hour. I've followed all the Prusa info re extruder being .5mm away from the heat block etc etc. I have changed the extruder and PTFE tube loads of times, always with genuine parts. I've lost count of the number of times I've run the setup wizard. Annoyingly, the first layer tuning works 100% as do all other tests. Until the clicking starts (extruder motor stalled on jammed filament) the quality of the print is very good and as expected. I have altered temperatures, flow rate, sprint speed and filament makes. I even have a desk cooling fan blowing a lot of air onto the extruder assembly. Don't know what to do next. My other MK3S works perfectly thank goodness. If they were both exhibiting this fault, I'd be looking for another supplier after two years with Prusa. The fact that the newer MK3S  works OK leads me to hope that the the upgraded MK3 could one day though I have no idea what is wrong with it. It is frustrating beyond belief.

I hope you get/got a solution to your issue.

Publié : 08/12/2019 5:49 pm
Noble Member
RE: Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW

I advise NOT getting the MMU until you work out your MK3S issues. The MMU will more than double the problems.

Not that the MMU is bad - it just complicates problem solving.

Publié : 09/12/2019 6:25 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW

I went back to my original MK3 config, and guess what.... No more issues... it makes PERFECT prints. 

Publié : 09/12/2019 6:29 am
New Member
RE: Just upgraded to the MK3S from MK3... SO MANY ISSUES NOW

Hi luis-05. Glad you found a solution though I will be contacting Prusa before "de-MK3S-ing" my MK3S. If it comes to it I will do this though. 

Thanks for update.

Publié : 09/12/2019 12:35 pm
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