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Help with bed leveling  

New Member
Help with bed leveling

I have been wrestling with trying to get auto leveling set up on my Prusa i3.
Melzi board
Marlin FW - trying to load it
No matter how I configure the FW, I am convinced that the files never get uploaded, eventhough the Arduino IDE confirms "done". I never get a flashing led on the Melzi board during the upload process. I have even tried to do a simple machine name change from the configuration.h file. No success.
The printer still works; apparently from the original Repetier 0.91 FW installed. When I give a G28 command, everything homes. Most other commands also work. When I send G29, I get an "ok" reply but no movement and no errors.
Lost and looking for any help. Thanks.

Napsal : 07/06/2016 3:38 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Help with bed leveling

Hi Noel

This forum is specifically to the "original" Prusa i3 and not clones, so I really don't think anyone here will be able to assist you.

You do need to look on your printer manufacturer's support forums.

Having said that, I also have a Chinese clone with a cloned Melzi board and I have never attempted to upload any firmware to that board, mainly because if it failed, I would have a dead printer and no-one to assist and there is no proper documentation available.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 07/06/2016 6:54 am