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Fenner Drives SemiFlex printing issue  

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Fenner Drives SemiFlex printing issue

Hello, I recently started printing with Fenner Driver SemiFlex filament, at the beginning it worked smoothly (nearly 12 or 18 hours of printing), but when i was going to print a different part some hours later, some winding between the extruder motor and the filament insertion entrance. What happens is that the filament starts to tilt towards the x axis rods and curls up, making it impossible to print after an undetermined amount of time. I have tried with other documents at different temperatures and retraction distances (215, 220, 230ºC, 2mm and 3mm retraction) and adjusting the pressure screws for the support wheel, but these methods have failed to solve the issue. I don't know if it helps, but I left the filament out for less than 24 hours in a humid climate... What i recently tried was moving the part which grasps the filament and moves it to the extrusion chamber, but it sill has not worked.

Here are some pictures...any suggestions and help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks you for your time! 🙂

Veröffentlicht : 31/08/2016 4:47 am
Jindřich Beneš
Re: Fenner Drives SemiFlex printing issue


first of all, try slowing print down to about 10-20 mm/sec. I also suggest higher temperatures from the range suggested by manufacturer.

Given the flexibility of the filament, retraction may also cause this issue. Try turning retraction completely off.

Best Regards

Veröffentlicht : 02/09/2016 9:15 am