Colorfabb XT Light green filament
This filament is on sale on this site but i cant get it to work well with the prusa.
Now looking at the package i realized that the temperatures are different from PLA, which might explain why.
2 questions then :
1) how do i change the temperatures from PLA to something else ?
2) looking at the preheat setttings, it looks like anyway none of the presets matches the colorfabb requirements (240 to 250 degrees nozzle, 60 to 80 bed. Any idea ?
thx !
Re: Colorfabb XT Light green filament
Ok despite lack of precise answers from the support... i have found how to adapt this. For those who are still in discovery phase, like me :
- When you use PrusaControl, in the parameters , you can change the type of filament
- if you select Fabbcolor XT before saving to G-code, then the right temperatures will be used when printing.
As a consequence i don't have to use glue any more, which avoids messing up the bed.
However the finish is still bad with some unwanted blobs... I'll continue looking for solutions. Just wonder if i should just forget about the whole Colorfabb thing and stick to PLA...
Re: Colorfabb XT Light green filament
I am currently testing it too and I get a lot of blobs on thin parts (infill).