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Colorfabb XT Light green filament  

Active Member
Colorfabb XT Light green filament


This filament is on sale on this site but i cant get it to work well with the prusa.
Now looking at the package i realized that the temperatures are different from PLA, which might explain why.

2 questions then :
1) how do i change the temperatures from PLA to something else ?
2) looking at the preheat setttings, it looks like anyway none of the presets matches the colorfabb requirements (240 to 250 degrees nozzle, 60 to 80 bed. Any idea ?

thx !

Napsal : 19/11/2017 3:33 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Colorfabb XT Light green filament

Ok despite lack of precise answers from the support... i have found how to adapt this. For those who are still in discovery phase, like me :
- When you use PrusaControl, in the parameters , you can change the type of filament
- if you select Fabbcolor XT before saving to G-code, then the right temperatures will be used when printing.

As a consequence i don't have to use glue any more, which avoids messing up the bed.
However the finish is still bad with some unwanted blobs... I'll continue looking for solutions. Just wonder if i should just forget about the whole Colorfabb thing and stick to PLA...

Napsal : 20/11/2017 8:59 am
Estimable Member
Re: Colorfabb XT Light green filament

I am currently testing it too and I get a lot of blobs on thin parts (infill).

Napsal : 08/01/2018 2:59 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Colorfabb XT Light green filament

Funny thing is that whilst I do get all kinds of zits and blobs while printing, the end result looks pretty good.

nGen left, XT right. Just some weird extrusion issue.

Hmm, time to clean the keyboard, lol.

Napsal : 09/01/2018 12:41 am