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Colorfabb NGEN settings  

Honorable Member
Colorfabb NGEN settings

I printed some parts yesterday with Slicr settings provided by Prusa for 1.75 filament. Hotened 240 deg C with an heated bed of 85 deg C. I got better prints with less stringing with Simplfy 3D using supports. I find 228 - 235deg C is better for NGEN. and a heated bed of 75 deg C

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 21/09/2016 6:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

I just bought about 10kg of nGen. After A LOT of tweaking and many 3D Benchy's, I've gotten the best results with the following settings for nGen:

Print Temp: 240C
First Layer Temp: 220C
Extrusion Multiplier: 1.00
Extrusion Width: Auto
Retraction Distance: 1.00
Retraction Speed: 2700
Coasting Distance: 0.50
Wipe Distance: 2.00

Top and Bottom Layers: 4
Outline Shells: 3

Infill Outline Overlap: 35%

Fan off for layers 1-3.
Fan capped at 35% for layers 4 and up, except for bridging, which is 100%. I'm considering reducing fan speed even more.

Default Printing Speed: 2400
Bridging Speed Multiplier: 50%

Some other small tweaks here and there, but those are the main ones.

Napsal : 22/09/2016 8:14 am
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

Thanks Babak.j I will try your settings in my future ColorFabb NGEN prints. And see how it goes.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 25/09/2016 3:47 am
Eminent Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

Thanks for your detailed settings, I just bought some of this and being a newb I am having trouble locating some of your settings in my Slic3r setup.

Retraction Speed: 2700 ------>so this is 27mm/s?
Coasting Distance: 0.50----->I could not locate this
Wipe Distance: 2.00----->I could not locate this
Infill Outline Overlap: 35% ------> i am not sure where to find this?

Fan capped at 35% for layers 4 and up------->so Min is 0 and Max is 35%
Default Printing Speed: 2400------>Where is this located in the Print Settings under Speed, there are many choices
Bridging Speed Multiplier: 50%---->I could not locate this

thanks for any help on this

Napsal : 15/03/2017 10:27 pm
Active Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

Nate - the settings are for Simplify 3D.

Napsal : 16/03/2017 12:52 am
Eminent Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

Ah ok thnx

Napsal : 16/03/2017 1:00 am
Eminent Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

I just bought about 10kg of nGen. After A LOT of tweaking and many 3D Benchy's, I've gotten the best results with the following settings for nGen:

Print Temp: 240C
First Layer Temp: 220C
Extrusion Multiplier: 1.00
Extrusion Width: Auto
Retraction Distance: 1.00
Retraction Speed: 2700
Coasting Distance: 0.50
Wipe Distance: 2.00

Top and Bottom Layers: 4
Outline Shells: 3

Infill Outline Overlap: 35%

Fan off for layers 1-3.
Fan capped at 35% for layers 4 and up, except for bridging, which is 100%. I'm considering reducing fan speed even more.

Default Printing Speed: 2400
Bridging Speed Multiplier: 50%

Some other small tweaks here and there, but those are the main ones.

Thanks Omikron for taking the time to post these settings. Printing my second test print (Marvin) with it and I can already see major improvement over the default Slic3r profile. Would it be possible for you to share your FFF profile for Ngen so I can match your settings exactly?

Napsal : 06/04/2017 12:01 am
New Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

Hi Omikron and thanks for the work done.
Are you willing to share the FFF profile?


Napsal : 17/05/2017 3:40 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Colorfabb NGEN settings

Just received some nGen samples and did a few tests
all in Slic3r Prusa edition. Printer is an mk2MMU

First test, default settings,
Second test 230 degrees (default = 240), and fan 100% for bridging
Third test 220 degrees.

You tell me which is which :p

I sent a mail to Colorfabb for help.

Napsal : 03/01/2018 8:33 pm