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Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?  

New Member
Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

I want to move Z axis up so I can more easily clean the Hot End after the print is done. How about adding something such as G1 X0 Y200 Z70 ?
I also want to unload the filament at the end before the Hot End cools down. What G-code should I put in to do that?
I am using transparent ABS that soaks up moisture like a sponge and I want to bag overnight.

Opublikowany : 21/11/2016 8:07 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

There should be an option in your slicer to modify script executed at the end of a print. I added a simple

G1 X0 Y200 Z200

for the end script and the print cancelled script (my printers are controlled by a Pi3 running Repetier-Server) to get the Hotend raised up from the buildplate. With respect to unloading the filament, I never tried that myself but I guess you could try a long retraction like

G1 E-100 F200

(as suggested by PjR here: )

Opublikowany : 22/11/2016 9:29 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

You might want to eject the filament at a higher rate to reduce the chances of leaving waste In the extruder

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 22/11/2016 5:28 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

Is there a solution to prevent the z axis running over the end in tall prints? I mean it does not hurt on the prusa mk2 but is maybe still annoying.


My Prints:
My Employer:

Opublikowany : 24/11/2016 11:41 am
Eminent Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

Is there a solution to prevent the z axis running over the end in tall prints? I mean it does not hurt on the prusa mk2 but is maybe still annoying.


Was wondering this myself... I think you can put the coord system into relative mode after the print is done then go from there but I haven't tried it, maybe someone else has some info though.

Prusa MK 2.25 (Downgraded MMU on MK2 with MK3 printed parts)
Prusa MK3 Kit

Opublikowany : 25/11/2016 8:16 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

Most slicers will allow you to do something like this in the eng GCode section:

G1 F1200 X0 Y200 Z<Z+1.0> ; move bed for easy removal


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Opublikowany : 25/11/2016 11:16 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

I'm using the below for my S3D End script:

M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0 ; turn off heatbed
G91 ; Use Relative Coordinates
G1 Z0.6 F5000 ; Lift Nozzle by 0.6mm
G90 ; Use Absolute Coordinates
G28 X0 ; home X axis
G1 Y195 ; Move Y axis to end position
M84 ; disable motors
M107 ; turn off fan

I'd like to lift the nozzle more like 10 or 15mm and use something similar for canceled prints in Octoprint, but was also worried about a tall print trying to go past the upper limit of the printer.

Looking at the gcode wiki - - would the "S1" parameter help in preventing trying to overshoot the upper Z limit if the gantry was already near the top and tried to go past the upper limit?

Opublikowany : 02/01/2017 2:14 pm
New Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

Anyone come up with a solution this? I'd like to add this as the latest slicer version now ends with the head down and the bed all the way back (very inconvenient)

Opublikowany : 08/04/2018 6:02 pm
Active Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

Wouldn't you just move to the highest z (e.g. G1 Z210.00), to avoid running over a potential print?

Opublikowany : 08/06/2018 11:18 pm
Martin Wolfe
Reputable Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

I tried this

G1 Z{if [layer_z] < (210-50)}{[layer_z]+50}{else} 210 {endif} F5000; if room raise Z by 50mm otherwise raise to top of Z axis

Unfortunately [layer_z] is not available in the end G-Code. If any one has a way of picking up the Z value of the last layer printed this could be made to work.


Martin Wolfe

Opublikowany : 09/06/2018 5:10 am
Reputable Member
Re: Can I move Z axis 70mm in End G-code?

This is currently in the 1.40beta Slic3rPE end gcode

{if layer_z < max_print_height}G1 Z{z_offset+min(layer_z+30, max_print_height)}{endif} ; Move print head up

in cleartext, this would be

Go up by 3cm (if there is room) to allow removing the heat bed plate easier.

Opublikowany : 09/06/2018 4:55 pm