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Any ideas with support material?  

New Member
Any ideas with support material?

I just switched from Slic3r to PrusaSlic3r because I heard that the support materials were better. I am trying to print this "Leg_Left_Half_001" and tried with Slicer but as you can see, the settings werent so good as the support was fused to the build. I currently have the Pattern Spacing as 5mm, Pattern angle 0, Interface Layers as 4 layers and Interface pattern spacing 4mm. Any ideas as to help with the support material would be great!

Napsal : 06/08/2017 7:55 pm
Noble Member
Re: Any ideas with support material?

Make sure your Contact Z distance is 0.2 (or even 0.25), and the XY separation between an object is large enough. I use 2mm. I would try with less or no interface layers for a part like this.

That said, supports are an art form, and it will take a while to get your settings correct. I will admit to only being 75% there. Some people like support better in other Slic3rs. Hopefully they will chime in here for you.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Napsal : 06/08/2017 8:01 pm