Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning
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Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning  

Active Member
Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

Hi there 😛 ,

First, say hello to everyone who helps and is here, since I start my adventure with 3D printers with a Prusa MK3. I received my MK3 2 weeks ago. At first I did not make any noise but then it started to get very noisy when the X axis is in the middle of the bed. I also have noises in the power supply by vibration of the top plate where it is plugged. Anyone know what can it be?. It's driving me crazy, I do not know if it's the X axis, the Y axis or the Z axis. The printer says that all the axes are perpendicular. Is that true? I give you a video so you can see it and listen to it.


Then I have this problem ... since I mounted the printer there is no way to make an impeccable first coat, rare marks always appear. I was reading the forum and I got some profiles and they improved the thing. What is the reason for this?.

Logo Prusa printed gcode in the SD:

Logo Prusa printed with Simplify3d with profile forum Sillent Mode:

Logo Prusa printed with Simplify3d with profile forum Normal Mode:

With the Simplify3d profile of the forum we can see that the impression does not end well above, always when it ends in one layer and the next begins, when it moves it leaves a trickle of filament that makes everything deform. Since I'm a noob, I still do not know what to configure ... I'm studying how these programs work.

Thank you so much for everything.

Best regards

Owner of a Prusa i3 MK3
Follow me on Twitter: @jose_photo_bn

Respondido : 11/02/2018 12:49 am
Reputable Member
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

Just skimming through the pics, that weird defect you have on the bottom of the print (from the gcode on the sdcard) is due to being too close to bed. Lift your Z until that goes away. I would lift Z until you start getting holes in the first layer, then lower it back down until they go away. This is usually the sweet spot for PETG as well.

My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]

Respondido : 11/02/2018 12:59 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

Hello Brigandier. I forgot to say that I am printing on PLA. As you say, I've been doing a lot of tests with the Z Live, and if you look at the first, there are areas where they come out "right" and then others that print badly. I have done many times to print the PRUSA logo and keep changing, but I always get those strange things. I do not know if it's because of the extrusion, temperature, height ... the weird thing is that with the Simplify the same height of the Z Live, it looks good (except in the second photo behind the silent mode).
Thank you very much for the reply.
Best regards

Owner of a Prusa i3 MK3
Follow me on Twitter: @jose_photo_bn

Respondido : 11/02/2018 1:57 am
Honorable Member
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

this build surface is just soooo sensitive to nozzle clearance. You can watch it start to ripple and warp with only a few microns z adjust.

but the artifact you're talking about is travel scar. use a few tenths of a mm of retraction vertical lift in s3d.

Respondido : 11/02/2018 2:58 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

Hello curtis.c2,

If you tell me this, it will be exactly the height really. It seems strange to me that with the same height in 3 pieces with the same calibration of Z, I do in some if and in some not.

Let's see if anyone knows why my printer makes so much noise when it is in the center on the X axis.

Thanks for everything.

Best regards

Owner of a Prusa i3 MK3
Follow me on Twitter: @jose_photo_bn

Respondido : 11/02/2018 11:21 am
New Member
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

I have the same noises when the printer is in the middle of the x axis. They weren’t there after the build but seem to have developed. I can quiet them slightly with a little grease on the rods but the bearings do a good job of wiping it all to the sides. I am starting to believe that it is the bearings so replacements are going to be ordered but I don’t know wether to get more from Prusa or get a branded one, maybe even change for Igus ones.

Non of this is affecting the prints they are fine. It used to be such a quiet printer which maybe part of the problem, I mean, it’s still lots quieter than my other printer but this noise just needs resolving.

Respondido : 21/02/2018 10:32 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

Let's see if anyone knows why my printer makes so much noise when it is in the center on the X axis.

If it sounds like it's coming from below the print surface, then it could be the bed itself. If you lightly push downward on the bed does it muffle the sound at all?

On my initial build, I did get a little bed vibration. Then after the first iteration of rebuilding the Y-axis, it got much worse...but only when printing in the center of the print area. After re-aligning my rods, re-seating the bearings, and re-tightneing the bed, it went away almost 100%.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Respondido : 22/02/2018 1:34 am
New Member
Re: Too many noises-vibrations and first layer without tuning

I believe I’ve found the cause of my noise 😀 😀 😀
Ok so today was a day off and I crawled all over the printer to see if anything had worked loose, no joy all fine. So on with the printing as it was doing it’s thing I carried on tapping/poking about then, when the noise was at its loudest I wanted to tune the speed and I grabbed the top rh corner of the orange lcd surround it moved slightly and then all was quiet. I’ve printed all afternoon without that annoying noise, heaven.

Respondido : 22/02/2018 6:45 pm