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Problem with fit test  

Eminent Member
Problem with fit test

I recently assembled my MK3 and figured I'd try printing this fit test to figure out the printer's tolerances. After printing, I noticed that none of mortices actually fit on the tenons. I guess the printer is printing too much material, but I can't figure out why or what to do about it. Any ideas, anyone?

Postato : 11/02/2018 7:45 pm
Active Member
Re: Problem with fit test

Check the basics first.

Is it extruding the correct length of filament on a manual extrude? Try marking 4 or 5 cm on the filament and extrude the same.

Is the filament diameter correct in the slicer? Measure with a micrometer if possible at multiple points on the filament.

Which slicer are you using?


Postato : 12/02/2018 7:41 pm