Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3
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Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3  

Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

Up to this stage with Octoprint setup... Are these details anyway?

Opublikowany : 19/02/2018 4:25 am
Active Member
Re: Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

You may want to check the custom bounding box and then set some extra room. The reason is that some prints include gcode that prints a small stripe outside the build area to start the extruder flow. But OctoPrint will check then complain about prints that exceed the bounding box. IIRC, the strip is printed at -3mm in some examples in the Prusa SD Card that comes with the printer.

Opublikowany : 19/02/2018 4:48 am
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

click on custom bounding box and set the y there to -5 or something. The priming line that Slicer PE and Prusa Control print at the beginning of each print is outside the zone of printing. It will still let you print, but will give you a warning with every file.

I also set z height to 200mm

Opublikowany : 19/02/2018 4:49 am
Topic starter answered:
Re: Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

ok and what baudrate do you use? my octoprint doesnt seem to want to connect

Opublikowany : 19/02/2018 5:00 am
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

ok and what baudrate do you use? my octoprint doesnt seem to want to connect

You can use auto. Are you connected via USB or are you connected through GPIO ports on a pi zero?

Opublikowany : 19/02/2018 6:44 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

Hi, I found the issue, it seems i downloaded wrong image, it was a prusa one however must be for rasp pi 3 or something.

I reloaded the correct ZERO pi image for mk3 and everything connected and worked with custom profiles already loaded.

If your reading this thread because you need the information in op, go back and put the right image on!

Opublikowany : 20/02/2018 10:05 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Octoprint Setup Wizard Printer Profile for MK3

click on custom bounding box and set the y there to -5 or something. The priming line that Slicer PE and Prusa Control print at the beginning of each print is outside the zone of printing. It will still let you print, but will give you a warning with every file.

I also set z height to 200mm

You can disable the warning too (that's what I did). Settings > Features > Enable model size detection and warn if model exceeds print bed.

Opublikowany : 21/02/2018 3:52 am