Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?
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Honorable Member
Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?


I hear a quite low ticking noise coming from EINSY in the same pattern as the heat bed LED. Is this normal?

Best regards

Postato : 08/01/2018 11:25 am
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

You sure the ticking isn't coming from the PSU? I have the same issue, but it is clearly coming from the PSU when maintaining temperature via PWM.

Postato : 08/01/2018 5:37 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Yeah it comes from the left. And it is not that rattling noise from PSU some people are experiencing. It is not loud!

Postato : 08/01/2018 6:16 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Interesting. My PSU ticks (I fixed the rattle by sticking a zip-tie into the case). I'll double check tonight to ensure it really is my PSU and not the Einsy. I'd suggest you double check as well, as lots of folks have had PSU ticking (different from the rattle) and you are the first I've heard of with Einsy ticking. It may be that all of our Einsy's are ticking but we can't hear it because the PSU is in synch and louder.

One thing that could cause perceptual confusion is that the tick timing exactly matches the heated bed LED over by the Einsy.

Postato : 08/01/2018 11:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I dont think mine clicks.... now its printing so its hard to know for sure.

I will try and hear it with just the bed heating when its finished.

Tell me something... is it loud enough to hear from a distance? Do you hear it over the noise of the printing moves, etc etc...??

Postato : 09/01/2018 12:07 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I mostly hear it at the very end of the bed heating, as the LED goes from solid to blinking as the power flips on/off as it has hit temp. Even then it’s not loud enough to be annoying, but I can hear it from my desk 8’ away. Once the print starts I can hear it, but it’s less easy.

Postato : 09/01/2018 4:02 am
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I dont hear a thing!!

Postato : 09/01/2018 4:13 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I mostly hear it at the very end of the bed heating, as the LED goes from solid to blinking as the power flips on/off as it has hit temp. Even then it’s not loud enough to be annoying, but I can hear it from my desk 8’ away. Once the print starts I can hear it, but it’s less easy.

Yes, exactly like you say.

Postato : 09/01/2018 4:14 pm
New Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Hope this doesn't breed nervousness, but I had the same clicking problem. Then during a 16-hour print, the heatbed died. Despite attempts to reseat the connections on the computer board and check the fuses, it doesn't heat, and the self-check believes it's disconnected. I sent a message to customer service on 1/7, but I've not heard back yet.

I can't confidently say there's a correlation between the ticking and my bed's failure, but it might be worth keeping an eye on just to be safe.

Postato : 10/01/2018 4:15 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

What? Oh no!

Please keep us updated on your further developments with this issue.

If i were you I would jump into chat with support

Postato : 10/01/2018 4:37 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Hope this doesn't breed nervousness, but I had the same clicking problem. Then during a 16-hour print, the heatbed died. Despite attempts to reseat the connections on the computer board and check the fuses, it doesn't heat, and the self-check believes it's disconnected. I sent a message to customer service on 1/7, but I've not heard back yet.

I can't confidently say there's a correlation between the ticking and my bed's failure, but it might be worth keeping an eye on just to be safe.

What temperature were you running on the heatbed when it failed?

Postato : 10/01/2018 4:45 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I had a chat with Prusa support.

They want me to send in a video with the noise on tape. I hope I will be able to catch it with my phone.

The guy in the chat said that there will be a firmware fix for this and he was quickly to say that it is not the EINSY but the heatbed itself: the magnets in the bed act like loudspeakers:-) If this is true that would be curious.

But as long as they can drive the heat bed "analogue" and not just in a hard "on" "off" manner, the fix would be to add more slope to turning it on and off - I guess;-)

I will see what my video leads to. And I will put my ear nearer to make out the source of the noise - until now I thought it HAS to be the EINSY. Now, maybe it might be the heat bed - on the very back left... I will see.

Postato : 10/01/2018 4:55 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Guess what! It is the heatbed ticking just like the support said:-) My EINSY is mostly not doing any rhythmic sounds while only the heatbed is active. But I can hear the sound the magnets are doing very well...

Funny. I hope this firmware fix will be coming for real!:-)

Postato : 10/01/2018 6:54 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I wonder how you would fix this in firmware? If it is caused by bed power going from min power to max power instantaneously I suppose you could instead interpolate between those values over time?

Postato : 10/01/2018 11:17 pm
Honorable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Exactly that is what I am thinking. As it is not triggered by a relay - I guess it is controlled by some transistor - I think it is possible to not use the "digital" "on off" function, but to as you said slowly interpolate between on and off in a more "analog" way. Maybe it is enough to use two steps like 0, 1/2, 1 to not spend to many CPU cycles just on the heatbed

Postato : 11/01/2018 9:44 am
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

I thought the bed heater pin on the board only supported high and low output. Have you measured the voltage the bed receives when it is heating? Does it skip from 0 to 24 volts, or is it gradual? Actually it is probably a skip when heating from cold, but what about when it is already warm and just maintaining correct temp?

Postato : 11/01/2018 10:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?


I've been paying more atention and yes... i can hear those clicks when the bed is maintaining temperature.

Its faint, but its there, nothing that really bothers me unless it causes problems xD

Postato : 11/01/2018 12:18 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

The heatbed (or nozzle for that matter) can be turned off/on using PWM- a bit tricky when a PID loop is also at play, but the ON cycle can at least be slowed down a bit with a fast ramped PWM.

Postato : 11/01/2018 3:03 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Wouldn't that just result in the bed ticking a _lot_ instead?

Postato : 11/01/2018 3:26 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Is heat bed ticking sound coming from EINSY normal?

Hard to say... it depends on the circuit itself and the current draw behavior of the bed heater.

Postato : 11/01/2018 4:31 pm
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