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impossible to print a certain part  

Active Member
impossible to print a certain part


I got a kit, assembly went pretty smooth, selftest worked fine, easy prints work fine as well.

I just tried to print something larger more complex. My goal is to print the file support_tablette.

Using the PLA which came with the printer. I'm coming from a Tevo tarantula, so I'm used solve things on my own and solve more complex issues (such as manual bed leverling, etc.). Before every attempt I calibrated the first layer.

First attempt was with Slic3R Prusa edition for the MK3. I selected the Fast Profile and the print took ~8 hours. I was unsattisfied with the bottom finish visible at


I decided to switch to simplyfy 3D to have different processes (printing certain areas with lower layer height - better quality and certain with higher ligher height - faster printing). I used the MK2 Profile from Prusa and adjusted the speed (taken from the SLIC3R Prusa Edition for the MK3).

Second attempt was a desaster with shifted layers and parts of curled filemant around the printer...

Third attempt had a similar result, I rechecked the whole configuration and reduced the slower/high quality layers.

So I tried to rotate the part, that it is being built on support structure. Which also failed. In the first try the PLA did not sticked to the bed (even though I cleaned it with window cleaner).

Second try I cleaned it again and applied glue stick to the bed. Same thing, after some layers the the first layer did not stick to the bed.

So there are two questions:

  • Shouldn't the Filemant stick better to the PEI bed?

  • Why are these prints constantly failing, could this be a firmware issue?
  • If needed I could provide the gcodes uses.

    Publié : 30/12/2017 4:23 pm
    Ron Hunt
    Eminent Member
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    first I would highly suggest sticking with Slic3r PE until you fully trust the printer. I also am a S3D user; but am fully dedicated to slic3r until later on with this printer.

    The picture really looks like your 1st layer is not squished enough.. I would go further using live z adjust. Likely that will fix your adhesion issues. I would also suggest IPA rather than window cleaner.. while window cleaner can work; IPA is much MUCH better and provides a cleaner stick.

    Lastly, the slic3r quality.. that is a large question; but it sounds like the slic3r print finished, but you didn't like the surface finish? Really hard to see what you had supports on etc; which all impact the finish. Many have found that if you slow the perimeter speed to like 50 or so it will really help the finish; without impacting time to badly.

    I would really focus on getting the stick going again, then change focus to print quality. Of course this is all just my opinion and you are welcome to ignore me 🙂

    Good luck!


    Publié : 30/12/2017 4:37 pm
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Hi Ron,

    thanks for your quick answer. It kind of confirms my thoughts (lay back, wait for several firmware updates and optimizations and then try again).

    Yes I'll get some alcohol next week. OK so I'll try to stick with the SLIC3R Prusa edition.

    The part has an angle (away from the build plate), I used supports but the outcome is somehow unsatisfying. As it's a part for my wife's new sewing table, the WAF is kind of low, especially as yarn could caught in there.

    I'm aware that support is not always nice when removed, but here the layers are not layed down in a nice way. Perimeters are nice, no issues with those.

    So I guess I have to try a high quality SLIC3R print with a multiple day print time *sigh*.

    Thanks for your input and have a great new year 🙂



    Publié : 30/12/2017 5:30 pm
    Estimable Member
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Tim, that part is really designed in a way that makes it super difficult to print. Honestly I would not know in which orientation to print it...
    With that shallow angle being a visible surface I think it needs to be printed vertical, but then the leg attachments will be in the air and I don’t know how to solve that. In short, that part does not consider the design rules and guidelines for FEM parts. Also, on Cults3D there are only renderings, no photos of actual prints. Makes me wonder how printable these parts really are...

    The table is a really nice concept, but you may have to re-design this part (maybe also others?) to make them FDM printable.

    Good luck!

    Publié : 30/12/2017 11:44 pm
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Hi Georg,

    yes I just learned the hard way that the model is difficult to print :). But well it's a Christmas gift for my wife, so I have to get through it.

    Nevertheless I wouldn't call it unprintable 🙂 and that's the reason I bought the Prusa printer, to have more reliability and predictability. If you look at the first issues I posted, these are printer related and not model related.

    With latest firmware and sticking to the SLIC3R Prusa edition, which actually also has some sort of supporting variable layer height (Feature called "Layer editing"). I was able to print the part in 8~9 hours. What really made the difference, I don't know.

    If anyone has some recommendation about what to do with the ugly lines, I'd appreciate any idea. Currently I'm thinking about using a flat iron with some backing paper to try smooting it.

    One issue remains, the blobs on the top layers above the infill. But as they are on the bottom of the part, it's not that bad.

    Cheers Tim and happy new year 🙂

    Publié : 01/01/2018 5:12 pm
    Reputable Member
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    ...... But well it's a Christmas gift for my wife, so I have to get through it.

    Have to justify the new toy... I’ve been trying to figure out what to present to my wife for a “see isn’t this thing great” effect. I’m trying to come up with ideas for her office.

    Publié : 01/01/2018 5:37 pm
    Peter L
    Honorable Member
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Yes I'll get some alcohol next week. OK so I'll try to stick with the SLIC3R Prusa edition.

    I don't have my MK3 yet (end of January, knock on wood), but from reading these forums and other places it's clear that SLIC3R does a poor job with supports, especially on flats and shallow overhangs.

    Other slicers, such as Simplify3D, handle this much better. There's no magic, it just requires someone to put in the effort to get good breakaway supports in SLIC3R. From reading the bug reports in SLIC3R, it's clear that this is a well-known issue but apparently the developers don't consider it enough of a priority. I'm not complaining--this is open source software and the people working on it are all volunteers--but it's still frustrating.

    All of which is a long way of saying: the problems you are experiencing are solvable, but probably not with SLIC3R at this time.

    Publié : 01/01/2018 6:57 pm
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    ...... But well it's a Christmas gift for my wife, so I have to get through it.

    Have to justify the new toy... I’ve been trying to figure out what to present to my wife for a “see isn’t this thing great” effect. I’m trying to come up with ideas for her office.

    I kind of like the things Parallel Goods design, even though they cost something. But the water planter and the Push-Pin organizer look pretty nice.

    Good luck with it 🙂

    Publié : 02/01/2018 11:45 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Hi Georg,

    yes I just learned the hard way that the model is difficult to print :). But well it's a Christmas gift for my wife, so I have to get through it.

    Nevertheless I wouldn't call it unprintable 🙂 and that's the reason I bought the Prusa printer, to have more reliability and predictability. If you look at the first issues I posted, these are printer related and not model related.

    With latest firmware and sticking to the SLIC3R Prusa edition, which actually also has some sort of supporting variable layer height (Feature called "Layer editing"). I was able to print the part in 8~9 hours. What really made the difference, I don't know.

    Hi Tim!

    Congratulations - that print does look pretty good!
    How did you manage to print it???
    It looks as if you printed without supports - but then I wonder how the printer manager to print those horizontal or nearly horizintal areas...

    Regarding the lines (BTW, those are part of the STL models which uses triangular surfaces to create the model shape, not slicer or printer related) I used some 180 grid wet sand paper to smooth print issues on a model and it kind of worked ok, but was quite a lot of work. PLA seems to be really hard to sand...

    Publié : 02/01/2018 1:58 pm
    Reputable Member
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Given the final design intent, you want that top facing (desk top) side to be smooth, so I'd print it that way, which I think is 180 degrees from what you did. That shallow overhang will never print clean the other way. You will need to turn on supports. The leg holders should still look good and the top will be clean. The internal channel for the desk board is hidden so any marring from supports will be hidden. Slic3r supports generally remove easily.

    Always do a test run first. In Slic3r, scale the model to, say, 25%, so you can try the new approach and see if it looks promising.

    Publié : 02/01/2018 3:36 pm
    Active Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: impossible to print a certain part

    Thanks for all your Input! 🙂

    Well as stated before I got some experience in walking around issues, I had a Tevo before 😀 .

    How I got there:
    What I did for the final result is, that I used the "Layer editing" feature in the Slic3r Prusa edition. With this feature the layer height and quality can be modified on different heights. So I printed the "visually critical parts" in high quality and the rest in low quality. Here the setup I used in Slic3R:

    The print took around 8-10 hours, the silver filament is now used up and I just reordered some (as my wife wants all parts to color match :).

    Post Processing
    As I have plenty of waste parts, I can try out some things before actually treating the real parts. This method looks promising:

    But I'll also try sanding it with my Proxxon Tool. Maybe it's a mix 🙂

    Regarding the lines, I wasn't

    I tried printing it, the way you suggested, unfortunately I had sever issues with bed adheasion of the supports. So I gave that one up. Maybe that is solved with the new firmware by now, with 138 it did not work for me . . .

    I mentioned the lines on the holding part. The leg holder lines are fine with me, as I kind of like this "artifical" look 🙂

    Publié : 03/01/2018 10:31 am
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