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Igus Drylin on the MK3  

Active Member
Igus Drylin on the MK3

Did anyone already gave it a try? Is it worth using them?

Publié : 15/01/2018 6:32 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

Quickest way to find your answer would be to use the search feature. There was a dedicated thread and a few people have installed igus bearings in their builds.

Edit: Was just watching Tom Sanlanderer's live stream and someone asked about igus bearings. He said he does not recommend them because igus bearings are meant to be press fit to the rods. They will run sloppy and will negatively impact print quality.

Publié : 15/01/2018 6:35 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

Quickest way to find your answer would be to use the search feature. There was a dedicated thread and a few people have installed igus bearings in their builds.

Edit: Was just watching Tom Sanlanderer's live stream and someone asked about igus bearings. He said he does not recommend them because igus bearings are meant to be press fit to the rods. They will run sloppy and will negatively impact print quality.

Big edit / post consolidation:

Pretty much all the info you want is here:

tl;dr: Not all IGUS bearings require a press fit. The RJ4JP-01-08s are drop in replacements for LM8UUs that do not need to be press fitted; however, there is bad news. Testing with these bearings (per the post above) shows that performance is unacceptably sloppy and binding at times. Sad day, I have 9 IGUS RJ4JP-01-08s I was excited to put in. Thankfully this was pre-firmware and pre Prusa Slic3r update and I am pretty satisfied with my quality now, minus the minor ringing. 🙂

My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]

Publié : 15/01/2018 7:51 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

I am new to the prusa forum and this was my first post. I am overwhelmed how how fast I am getting anwers here 😀

Sorry I did search for it but haven’t found the thread before...
I watched the same livestream for like the first hour. And did ask the same question, but his answer was kind of cryptic: „depends on what you want to achieve. The printer definitely won’t get much more silent.“

Thank you for contacting Igus.looking forward to their respond!
I already use some RJ4JP-01-08 on my p3steel, butnot with zip ties. They in fact are they are very sensitive to pressure and deform quite easily. If thigthened just a little too much they are cranking along the rod.

The reason I ask is more because I do not know the linear bearings on the prusa MK1,2 or 3.
I do have some 4 year old Chinese LMUU8 laying around and they are raddling, loud and ruining the rods...
But if the prusa bearings are better (I mean not creating any artifacts on the print), or Drylin do not create a noticeable difference, I am fine with what comes with the MK3 🙂

Publié : 15/01/2018 8:46 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

I've been using them for some time now and have no issues...!!

I used caution while tightening everything so they wouldnt get deformed!

Publié : 16/01/2018 12:09 am
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

I used the RJ4JP-01-08 on my MK2, but they developed slack during ½ year of printing. Decided to revert to LM8UU when upgrading to MK2S.
When I changed to LM8UU I compared the used Igus bearings with new ones (same buy) and there was a clear difference.

I could just be my printer...

Have a look at my models on 😉

Publié : 16/01/2018 7:10 am
Estimable Member
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

I built my MK3 in december and installed high quality rods and medium quality linear ball bearings (Chinese, about €2,50 each)
The MK3 is so quiet with those linear guides that I see no reason to even wish for plastic bushings.

I didn't check if the rods in my kit are hardened or not (the known issue with wrong parts) but I compared both rods and bearings from the kit with my externally bought ones. The HQ rods had a smoother surface finish and the kit bearings were running a little rough compared to the ones I bought separately, so I installed the aftermarket parts,

If I had to recommend something I'd say the kit parts are fine, and I would try them first, but if you really want to tune, then HQ aftermarket rods are the first choice, bearings the second. And I would stay with linear ball bearings.


Publié : 16/01/2018 10:22 am
Estimable Member
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

I built my MK3 in december and installed high quality rods and medium quality linear ball bearings (Chinese, about €2,50 each)
The MK3 is so quiet with those linear guides that I see no reason to even wish for plastic bushings.

I didn't check if the rods in my kit are hardened or not (the known issue with wrong parts) but I compared bothe rods and bearings from the kit with my externally bought ones. The HQ rods had a smoother surface finish and the kit bearings were running a little rough compared to the ones I bought separately, so I installed the aftermarket parts,

If I had to recommend something I'd say the kit parts are fine, and I would try them first, but if you really want to tune, then HQ aftermarket rods are the first choice, bearings the second. And I would saty with linear ball bearings.


What brand did you use for rods?

Publié : 16/01/2018 1:25 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Igus Drylin on the MK3

Was looking for Misumi, but not available in EU for non-commercial customers.

Found the parts at CNCshop(dot)at
Was happy with price and quality

Publié : 16/01/2018 3:08 pm
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