High Frequency audable tone from part coolinf fan
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High Frequency audable tone from part coolinf fan  

New Member
High Frequency audable tone from part coolinf fan


Since day one of building my MK3 i have noticed a high pitch tone comming from the printer. I did not have a clue where it was comming from but tonight i discided to investigate.

The printer was working fine and printing excellently however the tone was bugging me and i want my mk3 quieter than it already is.

I thoiugh the coolinf fan was the souce of the noise so i fired up pronterface and fired a bunch on M106 commands at the fan inorder to see if the tone changed with diffrenf values

Low and behold. I could change the tone based on the value used.

This leads me to suspect that the cuase of the problem is the freqency of the PWM.

So investigating the configuration.h i have found the following options

//#define FAST_PWM_FAN

//#define FAN_SOFT_PWM

#define SOFT_PWM_SCALE 0 this is already enabled.

This is where i need you help.

Does anyone know if i enable FAST_PWM_FAN will this only effect the part cooling?

Any recommendations?

Does anyone elese have this issue?

Postato : 06/02/2018 9:37 pm
Honorable Member
Re: High Frequency audable tone from part coolinf fan

this was reported as a bug to the developers on the github: https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/issues/460

They mentioned modifying the pwm frequency. Maybe ask there?

Postato : 06/02/2018 10:04 pm