first layer won't stick
Hi everyone,
Just got my assembled Mk3 and ran a first print that went great.
Just lucky, I guess, because the next 10 tries have been miserable, with my first layer not sticking. Ever.
I've flashed the new firmware and re-run the wizard.
Done the first layer calibration a bunch of times and my live z adjustment seems to be about -.5 mm.
Can someone hit me with the top two or three causes of this so I can at least try to troubleshoot? What other info would you need?
Thanks in advance. I'm sure this is all user error on my part but it's a little frustrating because i'm having a lot less success with the MK3 than the monoprice maker select I got for $250 🙁
Re: first layer won't stick
Hi everyone,
Just got my assembled Mk3 and ran a first print that went great.
Just lucky, I guess, because the next 10 tries have been miserable, with my first layer not sticking. Ever.
I've flashed the new firmware and re-run the wizard.
Done the first layer calibration a bunch of times and my live z adjustment seems to be about -.5 mm.
Can someone hit me with the top two or three causes of this so I can at least try to troubleshoot? What other info would you need?
Thanks in advance. I'm sure this is all user error on my part but it's a little frustrating because i'm having a lot less success with the MK3 than the monoprice maker select I got for $250 🙁
Here's the top three reasons for failed adhesion:
All this is assuming that you're printing with the stock settings and the Prusa filament--in other words, you're not trying anything fancy yet. If you're using other filaments, you can also try slowing down the first layer speed, increasing the first layer extrusion width, and increasing the first layer print temperature.