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Color print doesn't work  

New Member
Color print doesn't work

I use the firmware b137. The first time I use "color print" it works, but the following times the head is positioned badly and everything fails. Yet when I use "pause print" and I change color it works.

Posted : 20/12/2017 11:57 am
Trusted Member
Re: Color print doesn't work

I tried Color Print for the first time yesterday, my results were hit and miss also. The first 2 attempts were off, but the next 3-4 were fine.

I tried loading the new gcode files into a couple different tools, hoping I could visualize the changes, but didn't have any luck. Would be great if there were some way to double check before starting a print.

Posted : 20/12/2017 7:13 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Color print doesn't work

Did you use ColorPrint built into the PrusaControl?

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 20/12/2017 8:44 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Color print doesn't work


Posted : 21/12/2017 8:10 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Color print doesn't work

actually "Beer Opener Color_Print" works well

Posted : 21/12/2017 11:44 am