What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s
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What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s  

New Member
What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

I would like to print some transparent box lids (for my railway models).  What is the best filament to use on the Prusa printer?  The PLA I have is milky and not transparent although the filament itself is.

Opublikowany : 28/08/2020 5:52 pm
Famed Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

I've never been able to get a true transparent, as in clear like you can see through print.

I've had good luck doing translucent prints with Hatchbox transparent ABS (hard to find now) and Reprapper transparent PETg.

Opublikowany : 28/08/2020 6:04 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

On youtube i have seen some printing, then use alcohol to make it clear, it is then it gets very clear, though it was a special filament.

Alcohol makes it soft and clear, after a few ours it gets hard in normal air.

Opublikowany : 29/08/2020 10:00 am
Famed Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

I've never heard of alcohol, but one of the ladies at the local 'makerspace' (she's on this forum but does not post much) has done some smoothing of clear ABS with acetone and a brush.  Those prints I saw were still not totally clear, but had a very smooth surface.

Opublikowany : 29/08/2020 10:20 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

Search on youtube or google with,

filament alcohol clear


There is also filament , after polishing is also clear.

This post was modified 4 years temu by Peter M
Opublikowany : 29/08/2020 11:52 am
Noble Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

Ive had good luck with Polymaker Polysmooth that's the alcohol smoothing material, it's a PLA that smooths similar to ABS vapor smoothing, however with a different process using isopropyl alcohol. be sure to order the "clear "

If you need something more robust relative to heat, Overture brand has an affordable PETG that works, and is reasonably clear.

keep in mind that none of these filaments are going to look like glass, they print mostly as translucent and depending on the model, your slicer settings, and the post processing you are capable of, and willing to do, your results will very.

Have fun with it,



The Filament Whisperer

Opublikowany : 30/08/2020 2:10 am
Illustrious Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

Have you read:




Opublikowany : 30/08/2020 1:01 pm
Famed Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s
Posted by: @dan-p12

If you need something more robust relative to heat, Overture brand has an affordable PETG that works, and is reasonably clear.

My current spool of Reprapper 'transparent' PETg is about 3/4 used, and I could not find a source that currently has it in stock, so I just ordered a spool of Overture.  Hopefully that will be a close match.

Opublikowany : 30/08/2020 2:14 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

Hello everybody

Thank you for giving me some really useful information and then also so quickly.  As this is my first time ever with a 3D printer I have a lot to learn and am grateful for your help.


Opublikowany : 30/08/2020 3:04 pm
3D Printing Science
Active Member
RE: What is best filament for transparent printing on iMk3s

Here is a nice video on printing transparent:

Opublikowany : 31/08/2020 2:15 am