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Top layer "prickly"  

Trusted Member
Top layer "prickly"

I have an issue I'm not sure how to describe let alone fix.  If my print has a smooth top, it's fine.  If it has a detailed top, I get spiky bits that I have to sand or trim.

For example, I make nameplates with raised names.  The tops of the base are smooth. The tops of the letters always have spiky corners.  Maybe over extrusion?  But the rest of the print is awesome.  I would include pics but it's really hard for me to get pics that close.  Any advice would be appreciated.  

Publié : 25/02/2022 12:26 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Top layer "prickly"

Its likely the zhop where it raises the nozzle between moving from island to island.  this leaves a little tiny string of filament behind.  Its quite normal.  FDM printing generally requires at least some post processing.  
You could try turning all zhop off but thats likely to cause you other issues.

Publié : 25/02/2022 7:41 am
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Top layer "prickly"

Thanks. I'll look at that. I've been printing a little while now and have never really paid attention to that setting. Much appreciated. 

Publié : 25/02/2022 10:23 am
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