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problems with printing  

Active Member
problems with printing

problems with printing

hello, I'm new with the printer but despite having assembled and calibrated without any error, the prints are constantly lines that do not print, I do not know if it is the extruder, which, several times I checked, or some of the axes I have raised the heat of the extruder by 5 degrees, I have reduced the printing time of the external walls, can not I do it, any idea?

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Postato : 17/06/2019 9:11 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: problems with printing

What slicer are you using? 

In any case, it looks like a problem with your slicer settings.  What profiles are you using?  What is the layer height?  What is the material?  

Also - if you ZIP the stl and post it, we can have a look for design problems, too.  But I suspect the part is okay. 

ps: please post photos in the forum; and use the LINK TO : MEDIA FILE setting.


Postato : 17/06/2019 9:23 pm