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Printing Quad Bearing Problems.  

New Member
Printing Quad Bearing Problems.

So I have been having issues printing this:

All appears to work out in a good way as it prints the pontoon and the backings (which I needed to do in Prusa Slic3r since I could do 3-degree underpins in Prusa Control)

When it begins really printing the model it neglects to stick and doesn't print a round shape, here is what it resembles.

I am printing at .10 with Prusa PLA at 215 at the hotend and a bed temp of 60

FaceTime PC
Publié : 11/03/2021 6:05 am
The MadCadder
Active Member
RE: Printing Quad Bearing Problems.

Check your support contact z distance. It should be the thickness of your layer height. yours is probably at a .2mm layer height. in your case set it to .1mm. Hope this helps!



Publié : 11/03/2021 3:40 pm
Frank654 a aimé
Active Member
RE: Printing Quad Bearing Problems.

I get the same effect when printing a thing that has separate pieces that have to move, where there is no way to support the 'needs to move' bit because it is inside the stationary bit. no way to remove any supports so no support  equals a stringy mess until enough layers build up enough mass to finally support actual printing of that bit.

not helpful to solve the problem but might help in identifying the problem that needs solving.

Publié : 15/03/2021 4:00 am
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