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Printing dual Color  

Active Member
Printing dual Color

Hello Everyone.
I would like to know which is the procedure for printing a dual color in one piece from the beginning. For example the prusa logo file that comes in the SD card. Thanks for your help!!

Postato : 09/02/2019 12:06 am
Noble Member
Re: Printing dual Color

i think all of those are just a call out for color change at a layer number.

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Postato : 09/02/2019 4:23 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Printing dual Color

How can i do it?

Postato : 09/02/2019 7:08 am
Noble Member
Re: Printing dual Color

in slicer pe look for "layers editing" you can set height layers there to trigger a filament change.
it should work, or just watch it and activate a filament change at the correct layer manualy

I have a Prusa,therefore I research.

Postato : 09/02/2019 7:23 am
Trusted Member
Re: Printing dual Color

If you go here and review this I think you will find your information:

Just be aware that there will some blending of colors, depending on subject matter....

Postato : 09/02/2019 4:30 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Printing dual Color

In addition to using Slic3r PE, you can also use the Colorprint website for a one color change like that, especially with a Gcode which is already created like the one that came on your SD card with the printer. it will work with any Gcode. You just have to know what layer to make the adjustment.

So you will need to open the Gcode in Prusa Control and use the slider to determine where you want the change and put that in at the Colorprint website and save the Gcode and put it on an SD card and print it.

Above is the website with instructions. I guess it was removed from the Prusa Main page since they incorporated it into Slic3r PE, but it is still on the website.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Postato : 09/02/2019 10:33 pm