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Print Failing in a localized spot on bed  

New Member
Print Failing in a localized spot on bed

Printing on a MK3S I purchased March, 2021. I have discovered there is a specific spot on my printer that suddenly the first layer fails. I have printed the same parts hundreds of times in this spot previously without issue but now it doesn't want to stick. 7x7 mesh bed is turned on as well.

Filament: Overture PLA with default settings in Prusa settings (215C/60C). In the first photo, the first layer should contain 2 circles on each side. As you can see, 3 circles in the upper right corner fail to stick while the rest stick without issue. I have tried washing the bed with soap and water, and cleaning with acetone. I typically wipe the bed with IPA every few prints as well. 

Also included is the benchy bottom print for reference. 

Opublikowany : 09/09/2023 3:30 pm
Noble Member
RE: Print Failing in a localized spot on bed


Posted by: @m367j988

Printing on a MK3S I purchased March, 2021. I have discovered there is a specific spot on my printer that suddenly the first layer fails. I have printed the same parts hundreds of times in this spot previously without issue but now it doesn't want to stick. 7x7 mesh bed is turned on as well.

Filament: Overture PLA with default settings in Prusa settings (215C/60C). In the first photo, the first layer should contain 2 circles on each side. As you can see, 3 circles in the upper right corner fail to stick while the rest stick without issue. I have tried washing the bed with soap and water, and cleaning with acetone. I typically wipe the bed with IPA every few prints as well. 

Also included is the benchy bottom print for reference. 

Does it happen with both sides of the bed

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 09/09/2023 8:31 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Print Failing in a localized spot on bed

This might be an awkward grease or oil spot.  Try the extreme dishwashing detergent trick.  Rub neat detergent into the area, wait ten minutes and then rinse it clear with VERY HOT water.


Opublikowany : 10/09/2023 4:45 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print Failing in a localized spot on bed

I'm not sure if it's both sides. I'll try the grease truck and the other side. 

After doing some more experimenting I'm wondering if I have a slight clog and there is enough flow to print but not enough for the small features to stick. 

Opublikowany : 10/09/2023 1:15 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Print Failing in a localized spot on bed

Not sure if this will help or not.  Some time ago there was a discussion here ( about a similar issue.  However, in those cases the problem area covered a larger portion of the bed.

Opublikowany : 10/09/2023 6:58 pm