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Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS  

Todd Decker
Active Member
Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS

I need to print many ABS parts for a build project but I have seen in two places now that there is a risk of melting the printed components of my MK3 printer while doing so if I place my printer in an enclosure.  However, I need to deal with the complexities of printing ABS and want to minimize drafts, have even and good enough temperature, and filter fumes so I'm wanting to use an enclosure.  Does anyone have any tips for how I should approach this so I don't melt my MK3 in the process?

Best Answer by Cwmatt:

What kind of enclosure are you planning to print in? I have a lack enclosure that I print ABS and ASA parts in with my MK3S and Mini+, which works very well. I’ve printed hundreds of parts with no issues or damage to the machines. Since the enclosure is passively heated by the heat bed of the printer, the printed parts on your printer should be fine as the lack enclosure really only reaches low to mid 30°C during printing from my experience.  

Posted : 05/05/2022 8:16 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS


If my post helps you please consider downloading & making one of my most popular Prusa-Printables 3D models below:1. Ultimate Printer Knob Upgrade - The Best Knob of Both Worlds 2. Prusa MK3S Right…

Posted : 05/05/2022 10:29 pm
Todd Decker
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS

“Subbed”? I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what this means unless your talking about foreign movies. 🙂

Posted : 05/05/2022 11:12 pm
RE: Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS

What kind of enclosure are you planning to print in? I have a lack enclosure that I print ABS and ASA parts in with my MK3S and Mini+, which works very well. I’ve printed hundreds of parts with no issues or damage to the machines. Since the enclosure is passively heated by the heat bed of the printer, the printed parts on your printer should be fine as the lack enclosure really only reaches low to mid 30°C during printing from my experience.  

Posted : 06/05/2022 12:19 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS

I agree with I don't think you're going to melt your printer.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 06/05/2022 11:56 am
Todd Decker
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS

Well, now that Prusa has announced an enclosure, I will probably use that.  And, I will just go with it and see how it goes.  I appreciate the couple responses I've received

Posted by: @camberwell-co

What kind of enclosure are you planning to print in? I have a lack enclosure that I print ABS and ASA parts in with my MK3S and Mini+, which works very well. I’ve printed hundreds of parts with no issues or damage to the machines. Since the enclosure is passively heated by the heat bed of the printer, the printed parts on your printer should be fine as the lack enclosure really only reaches low to mid 30°C during printing from my experience.  


Posted : 06/05/2022 2:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Need To Avoid Melting Printer While Printing ABS

Well, now that Prusa has announced an enclosure, I will probably use that

Why not (besides the price). But the advice given before is as valid as ever: keep the door open when printing PLA. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 06/05/2022 4:26 pm