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Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S  

Estimable Member
Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Interesting problem.. I have a model, a shade, that prints fine on the MK3S but consistently jams on the MK3, in the same spots. Have tried both multiple times, definition of insanity, and same results.

Have tried tuning on the MK3 by reducing retraction and retraction speed as well as overall speed, consistently jams same area of print .. half-way in a six hour print..

Am trying again with retraction off altogether and a slightly higher temp .. Going thru PLA like it was made out of a vegetable or something..

Anyone have some insight as to why the MK3 would fail yet the MK3S succeeds ?

Some key diff between the machines?




Postato : 29/06/2019 3:16 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Bondtech gear tension (one vs two springs to compress).

Filament path (laser vs mechanical sensors). 

And that's about it.  Firmware is essentially the same except for the filament sensor code.  If the sensor is disabled, the code is virtually identical.

When it jams, unload the filament and check the diameter of the mushroom or stub on the end of the filament. If it is 2.2 mm diameter, and over 2 mm long, your heat break is probably causing you problems. 

Assembly of the hot end is one area where you will get variations in print quality even with otherwise identical printers.


Postato : 29/06/2019 5:32 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

In the interest of saving time: Are you printing in an enclosure with either or both printers? PLA softens at roughly 60C. The air cooled E3D V6 hotend is rated to operate in ambient temps up to 40C. Are there any temperature differences between the two locations?

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Postato : 29/06/2019 8:08 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Of course .. the gears ....

The tune mentioned previously worked, no failure on the old MK series (no retraction, different temps) .. The print is nearly done and not exactly the same as the Mk3S .. will wait for the light of day to really look at it ..

The filament sensors on the MK3 (2 of those printers) have been disabled for awhile due to problems with any type of translucence or near translucence. The MK3S (also 2 of those) have had no problem with that issue, at least not as of yet, and they save me having to press the button to load the filament..

But the Bondtech differences are another issue and I hadn't though of that even thought they were all kits..

SO either I accept that I am back to different profiles for different printers, or I upgrade the old MK3 printers and hope for enough similarity that multiple profiles may no longer be needed or I sell the MK3 printers and get new MK3S and hope there are no other changes causing different profiles to be required.

Probably faulty reasoning anyway, as there were differences between my 1st MK3 and the second one.. The MK3S printers are the same but they were born only a few weeks apart.. It has been a little while so that may not be true anymore..

Ok, rose colored glasses are off and will sleep on the upgrades, in the meantime.. new profiles to be delineated in S3D..

Thanks for the responses..

Also, no enclosures .. I am pretty much only printing PLA or exotics based on PLA on the MK printers, not because they can't handle more .. it is a bio-environmental thing.. and the printers are within a foot or two of each other in a closed room..

Thanks again ..





Postato : 29/06/2019 8:26 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Trying the working MK3 gcode on the MK3S .. maybe this is a lowest common denominator thing and multiple profiles can still be avoided ..

Postato : 30/06/2019 3:51 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Printing the parts for the MK3 to MK3S upgrade.. Will upgrade one and see how it goes before I decide MK3 machines futures.. Will make them easier to sell if it goes that way.. When I put one up for sale, got damn near full kit price offers a couple of months ago..gotta love it..

Postato : 30/06/2019 4:27 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

lowest common denominator works..  successful print on MK3 = success on MK3S .. 

Postato : 30/06/2019 9:55 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Pretty sure gcode for a Mk3 is identical to gcode for a Mk3S ... at least as far as functional commands go.

Postato : 30/06/2019 6:05 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Jams on MK3 , No Jam on MK3S

Not what I meant .. Once a model prints successfuly on the MK3, it prints successfully on the MK3S .. but not necc. the other way around .. The MK3 jams on gcode the MK3S doesn't ..  It is the machine .. not the gcode..

Postato : 30/06/2019 6:13 pm