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Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg  

Active Member
Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg

Hello everyone! 

I am having an issue that just started this week but I can't figure out. When printing with PETg at random times during the print, a large glob appears and I have to stop the job. I've tried adjusting the Z and recalibrated a few times. I don't think there is an issue with the nozzle or anything because the printer is only two weeks old. I've printed at least 10 decent size prints with the same filament just fine, but every print for the past few days has a glob somewhere. The temps are at 245 and 85 degrees. I don't see any leaks around the nozzle or heat block and am just at a loss. Any advice? This is an MK3s. Thanks so much!!


Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 3:50 pm
Illustrious Member

Please show us a picture of your nozzle/hotend assembly.

Your filament looks a little damp, look up threads here about drying it.



Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 6:08 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg

heres a photo.

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 7:50 pm
Noble Member
RE: Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg

I find sometimes with petg you need to back the extrusion multiplier down from 1 to say .99 or .98 to get rid of blobs.

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 8:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg

Looks like a leak to me. It shouldn’t be covered in plastic that high up unless it is working up and down the threads and then dripping off the top. 

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 8:52 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg

The ink up that high I think is from a failed print that ended up in one big glob I let run overnight. Is there a better way to make that look good again? 

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 9:02 pm
Noble Member
RE: Issues with ink globs mk3s Petg

you can to a point.  I use a wire brush carefully but I'm cautious getting too close to the leads.   The whole hot end assembly is cheap enough that if it really bothers you, you could replace the whole thing.   It's not really hurting anything and it's a reminder to not do it again 🙂  It's bound to happen again, so if I were you I probably wouldn't worry about it.

I've replaced the hot end myself a few times, one most recently because I couldn't get it to stop leaking after changing nozzle.

Veröffentlicht : 14/01/2022 9:07 pm
Illustrious Member

I agree with @neophyl, carefully inspect the top of the heatblock for leaks.  Your nozzle appears to be correctly inserted with a gap of about the right size but if it is not snug against the heatbreak slow leaks are likely. [Also, if a non E3d compatible nozzle is used: not your issue but others reading this might not realise that not all cheap nozzles are suitable.]

See the diagrams on:


Veröffentlicht : 15/01/2022 12:01 am