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Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?  

Estimable Member
Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?

I'm having trouble printing anything very well with a 0.8mm nozzle (mk3s).  Even with PLA, I get unacceptable gaps on curved perimeters where they close -- it's as if the extrusion stopped or the nozzle moved a mm or so before the end of the line.  Can someone who is using a 0.8mm nozzle print the attached stl and let me know what they think of the results?

Basically two short cylinders, 1.71mm walls.  The left one is a straight cylinder, the right one is actually a conic section that expands slightly as it goes up.

Assuming you're satisfied with your results, I'd appreciate it if you could post the .3mf for the print so I could see the parameters you are using.  I've tried decreasing perimeter acceleration to 100, turning off the fan, slowing print speed down to 15mm/s, and turning off retraction, and nothing gets the gaps filled in.  It's as if the circle algorithms are off.


Napsal : 28/04/2024 10:44 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?

Guess I need to zip up the .stl file.

Napsal : 28/04/2024 10:46 pm
Famed Member
RE: Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?

One of my Mk3S+ is permanently equipped with a 0.8mm nozzle, printing a particular model at 0.5mm layer height all the time. The seams are a bit more visible than with a smaller nozzle but not too bad to keep me from selling those models. Alas, this weekend I converted my last Mk3S to a Mk3.5 but I printed your model on it anyway, given that the hotend hasn't changed at all. Here a couple of photos. Looks excellent to me.

The 3mf file I used is attached


Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 29/04/2024 12:25 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?

Thanks!  I will do some comparisons and see if I can find something that will help.

Napsal : 30/04/2024 6:20 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?

For some reason my extruder calibration was off.  Correcting that seemed to get me better results.  Thanks for the 3mf.  The things that stood out were the high retraction length and the zero lift height.  What's the rationale behind the zero lift height?  Is that because of the high retraction length, to avoid retractions on moves?

Napsal : 01/05/2024 7:12 pm
Famed Member
RE: Is anyone successfully using a 0.8mm nozzle?

The unvarnished truth: I can't recall. I optimized this profile years ago, and whatever rationale existed for those values back then has disappeared into the mist of time...

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 01/05/2024 7:32 pm