How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)
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How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)  

Eminent Member
How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)


I am trying to figure out a way to print this model of an F-22. The original model is cut into two pieces to create a flat surface; they then must be glued together. A friend of mine was able to combine the two files into a single file. I am interested in printing the fighter in a single print without the post processing. Can it be done?


I didn't create the model nor do I have any skills in modeling software.


This topic was modified před 5 years by AxioN

"What am I doing here? Narf!" - Pinky, Pinky and the Brain

Napsal : 21/01/2020 2:35 pm
RE: How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)

If you don't want to do any post-processing, you're out of luck, you will need supports and support surfaces which are not going to give clean results and need work.

Alternately, if you have multimaterial capability, you could look at zero-clearance supports with a material that does not bond to the print material or is soluble.

Napsal : 21/01/2020 3:26 pm
Noble Member
RE: How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)

You could split it in half, print it and glue the parts together. Depending on the cut plane it will be way easier to print. Maybe even supportless. But the glue seam might need some work.

Napsal : 21/01/2020 3:40 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)

Thanks for the reply! Sorry, I probably used the wrong term. The base of the two flat parts require a brim. This requires a lot of time cutting to get them to line up. Then, when they are glued together there is a very visible line for the two parts; this is the post processing I am trying to avoid.

I don't have a MMU, but supports are OK, I think. If they are on the underside of the aircraft, they won't be visible unless someone looked underneath. It would be great if they were not on the entire underside and maybe just the back portion. I have tried doing this already, but the two points at the end of the tail that touch the print bed almost always fall over after a few layers. I have messed with the support options in PrusaSlicer, but I am just not experienced enough to get the right settings to secure the structure.


"What am I doing here? Narf!" - Pinky, Pinky and the Brain

Napsal : 21/01/2020 3:42 pm
Active Member
RE: How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)

You can also try standing the model on its tail, this would have the last impact on the support to model interface.

Rich 3D

Napsal : 21/01/2020 3:47 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: How can I print a something that does not have a flat side? (F-22 Model)

Not sure if this is allowed, but here is a link to the STL if someone want's to give it a go. I would have uploaded here, but the STL is 18MB+ and the limit is listed at 10MB.

"What am I doing here? Narf!" - Pinky, Pinky and the Brain

Napsal : 21/01/2020 3:47 pm