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Gap in print when using pause and resume  

New Member
Gap in print when using pause and resume

I finished assembling my MK3 on Monday, and today I had the first opportunity to try the "Pause print" function when changing filament. However, when I resumed the print, the printer didn't resume exactly where it had left off - it left a horizontal gap of approximately 1.6 mm in the layer, after which the printer resumed and continued perfectly. No crash was detected, and the layer wasn't shifted:

Is this a normal result of pausing and resuming a print? I stopped the print and then started over from the beginning, the gap did not occur again.

For reference, I'm running the 3.2.1-576 firmware, with Monoprice PLA. If I should provide any other information, please let me know.

Veröffentlicht : 13/06/2018 9:01 pm