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First layer issue: circles not closing completely  

Strona 2 / 2
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issue: circles not closing completely


Holy smokes! Those look better than any I have printed myself. I am definitely going to give your file a shot first thing tomorrow (after a cal circle or two) and let you know how they turn out. Cheers!

Opublikowany : 20/11/2020 3:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issue: circles not closing completely

@swiss_cheese and thank you! I did model them myself as part of a domino set I’ve designed. You can find them on my website or Instagram.

Opublikowany : 20/11/2020 4:46 am
Noble Member
RE: First layer issue: circles not closing completely

well? how did it go? have you even had a chance to try?


The Filament Whisperer

Opublikowany : 23/11/2020 1:11 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer issue: circles not closing completely

@swiss_cheese Hey, Dan - sorry for the late reply. I've been away from my studio for the past 2 weeks, but I have some updates now. Overall, I am noticing a big improvement by using your printer profile. I use it as my default for everything now. That said, my dominoes are still not printing quite as perfect as yours are, but they are much better than before. Also, I am finding that I still get better results with a brim, than without. Without a brim, the ends of the dominoes begin to lift from the bed ever so slightly and the end result has a very subtle bow to it. 

One other weird artifact I am noticing now are the scars left behind on vertical faces, which I believe are where the "seams" of the perimeters are. I wonder if this might essentially be the same issue as the first layer 'circles not fully closing' due to Z retraction? 

Opublikowany : 01/12/2020 7:15 pm
Noble Member
RE: First layer issue: circles not closing completely


I'm glad to see your making some headway.

As I look at them, I see that they look much better, however I think you may need to do a better first layer calibration, you should not be having lifting issue with PLA for this model if your bed is clean, and you really shouldn't need a brim. As for the marks they are seams, but they don't seem to be closing like they should, I'm wondering if your idler tension is just a bit to loose causing this problem. (by the same token you don't want it to tight) all of these little things out of tune can cause all kinds of problems with prints.

If you set the seams to random and try a test on one of them you may also like that result better, that will scatter the seams more. just a suggestion, something to try so the seams aren't grouped

The Filament Whisperer

Opublikowany : 02/12/2020 2:06 am
Strona 2 / 2