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Filament Stopped Coming Out Mid Print  

Christopher Rossi
Eminent Member
Filament Stopped Coming Out Mid Print

I had a print where the nozzle stopped extruding filament, yet the tool head kept moving as if it was still printing. I had a good first few layers, and then let it go. When I checked back in on it that happened. I had just switched to a .25 nozzle also. I know there is a lot of things that can cause this, but does anyone know what I should try first? Thank you. 

Opublikowany : 20/07/2023 11:19 am
Illustrious Member

You're going to need a cold pull or two to sort out the hotend/nozzle - then before printing again measure the diameter of the filament (three or four places then average).  If it's not as advertised then enter the true value in Filament Settings and all the basic calculations will be set accordingly.


Opublikowany : 20/07/2023 6:02 pm
Noble Member
RE: Filament Stopped Coming Out Mid Print

Did you set .25 mm nozzle on printer and prusa slicer ?

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out

Opublikowany : 21/07/2023 4:43 am