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Create your own breakout supports  

Eminent Member
Create your own breakout supports

Recently I needed to support a high thin object suspended above the base.

The standard support layer from PrusaSlicer was just too large and difficult to remove so I created a simple support which could be easily broken away, works perfectly.

Here's the code for two thin (0.5mm) supports with cut outs at both top and bottom. I've also attached the full file (which is for holding cutlery without the use of one's fingers.) Enjoy.

difference (){
translate ([-2.8,22,0])rotate ([0,0,90])cube([60,.5,51]);
translate ([-2.8,-18,2])rotate ([0,0,90])cube([22,.5,49]);}

color ("red")translate ([-3.8,70,0]) cube ([2,1,2]);
for (i=[0:-4:-17])color ("red")translate ([-3.8,i,50.51]) cube ([2,2,.5]);
for (i=[0:-4:-17]) color ("red")translate ([-3.8,i,2]) cube ([2,2,.5]);
for (i=[24:4:81]) color ("red")translate ([-3.8,i,50.51]) cube ([2,2,.5]);
for (i=[24:4:70]) color ("red")translate ([-3.8,i,2]) cube ([2,2,.5]);

Respondido : 28/09/2019 11:31 am
Noble Member
RE: Create your own breakout supports

Just out of curiosity - did you try Cura Tree supports?

Respondido : 28/09/2019 3:22 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Create your own breakout supports

No I didnt try Cura Tree.. Requires another program install and knowlege/setup/tweaking.. this is really rather simple and I thought twice about putting it up. It's just another idea.

Respondido : 28/09/2019 5:33 pm