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Cracks in sidewall of print.  

Eminent Member
Cracks in sidewall of print.

I'm not sure if this is a design problem, or a printing problem, so I'll try here and on the Fusion forum.

My print developed 2 cracks between layers in the side wall while printing (12+ hours).  I made the walls thicker, but it still cracked.  See attached photos.  I don't know what to try to fix this.

Material: Hatchbox PETG

Bed temperature: 85 degrees C

Nozzle temperature: 230 degrees C

Printer: Prusa i3 MK3

Layer height 0.25 mm

Perimeters: 2

Infill: 25%

Perimeter speed: 60 mm/s

External perimeters: 35 mm/s

Wall thickness: 2.4 mm

Total height: 210 mm

Photos attached.


Publié : 05/12/2023 5:55 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

Publié : 05/12/2023 5:58 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

Isn't that minimum temp for hatchbox petg ?  On their website its listed as 230-260.  Also what are your cooling settings like ?  Sounds like you just have insufficient layer adhesion.  I had similar with ASA until I tweaked by settings, the layers would just warp upwards and leave visible cracks between layers.

Publié : 05/12/2023 6:03 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

Sorry, I mis-typed the temp.  The temp I'm using is actually 240 degrees C.  I have been using this temp with this filament for over a year and never had a problem before.

The range on the Hatchbos PETG is listed as 230 to 260.

Would going from 240 to 250 make a difference with my problem?

Publié : 05/12/2023 6:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

Well it cant hurt to try, except in time and material lol.  Frankly I can not see it being a design problem, its just not that complicated a design and a 2.4mm wall is thick enough to get all your perimeters and a bit of infill in I'm guessing (without seeing a 3mf project file from PS). 

That pretty much only leaves print settings or environmental factors.  Its winter so I'd also guess that its generally a bit cooler where you print ?  So bumping the temps up would be my first thing to change if I was troubleshooting the same problem.  Then again I usually print materials towards the top end of their temp range just on general principles lol.

I know Hatchbox say their petg is hydrophobic and doesn't absorb moisture but if so its the only petg I've ever heard of that didn't.  If you have the facility to dry it then thats always a good thing to do whenever you start having material behave differently.   Don't really have easy access to Hatchbox filament in the UK.

Publié : 05/12/2023 6:21 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

I'm guessing (without seeing a 3mf project file from PS

F3D file attached.

Yes, it was printing overnight where the daytime room temp of 67-68F dropped to 64F.  The filament humidity has been kept in the 35% t0 40% range.  I believe this should be a safe humidity, but I may be wrong.

Publié : 05/12/2023 6:35 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

Sorry don’t do fusion.  The thing about a saved PRUSA slicer project file is it has all the print settings as well as the model. That way you can slice exactly the same and use the preview options etc. makes it easier to debug. Also nothing attached :). You have to zip up files or the forum just silently doesn’t attach them. 

Publié : 05/12/2023 7:35 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cracks in sidewall of print.

Sorry, I did not know what 3MF was.  I zipped and attached one.

I was doing a different print today and upped the temp from 240 to 250.  It did not seem to do anything bad.

Publié : 05/12/2023 9:47 pm
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