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Cracking in printed walls  

New Member
Cracking in printed walls


I am new to 3D printing and i have a problem with a model where cracking appear, i don't know if it's lack of adherence of material tension.

I am using Esun ABS+ and preconfigured parameters in PrusaSlicer for this material and brand. ( extruder 255°C, plate 100°C, fan 15%).

Can i have some tips to print this correctly ? Let me know if i should add more information.


Respondido : 02/12/2022 11:10 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracking in printed walls

That’s a classic example of material contraction. It’s cooling down and breaking the layers apart. I had the same trouble with asa when I left the doors to my enclosure open, which doesn’t do it as much as abs. 

You really need an enclosure (or draft shield turned on) when printing Abs. You can also up the temp for printing to increase layer adhesion but that has to be balanced with the problems that printing hotter can bring. 

Respondido : 02/12/2022 1:12 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cracking in printed walls

Thanks for your answer,

I will try to add an enclosure.

Do you think reducing or disabling the fan can help with this problem ?


Respondido : 02/12/2022 2:13 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracking in printed walls

Possibly yes, however without knowing what fan settings you are using its impossible to be sure.  ABD filament profiles should have the fan on low speeds anyway. 

The usual thing is to save your prusa slicer project (File>Save Project As).  Then take the resulting .3mf and ZIP it up and attach it to a post here.  Must be zipped or the forum wont except the file.  A 3mf project contains all the settings you are using as well as the model so allows anyone to slice and go through all the preview options and check out everything.


Respondido : 02/12/2022 3:54 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cracking in printed walls

As  neophyl said, get an enclosure if you want to print ABS, or life will be misery. And ideally, switch to ASA--much more forgiving, and less smelly. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Respondido : 03/12/2022 2:11 pm