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[Résolu] Cant print under curves. Help please  

Hydraulic Jack
New Member
Cant print under curves. Help please

I can't get my MK3S+ to print upward curves. I've tried different brands if PLA and PETG. Ive tuned and tweaked every setting on Slicer, extrusion speeds, fan, temps, etc. Every single on option I've changed and hit print to see what happens... Even with supports it comes out awful, worst that without supports on these curves. Ive had this problem for months and its cost me many spools and months of printing. I even reconfigured my cooling ducts to the Delta-P mod. Ive had the entire printer apart hunting for the cause. 

I usually work around it but some prints just cant be successful, Like gopro mounts. Its impossible to print anything round with upward curves. 

I'm at a dead end. I designed something for a member of another community and suddenly got orders for over 60 units but I cannot print them with the quality I want. At 14 hours per print ... Ive considered selling my Prusa because I havent been able to fix this. And switch to another brand just to recoop the loss in filament cost. 

This is a hardware issue because Ive literally cycled through every single setting on Slicer including learning G-Code. PLA and PETG both do it. This is from day one. 

Belts seem tight. I work with a Gates vendor and actually sell Gates powerbands, including Opti-Belt tensioner tools... Ive consulted with them even. 

Ive rebuilt the hot end. Ive added dampener feet..... Enclosure and attempted to regulate ambient temps within 0.1C.

Its every single print that has an upward curve. I can produce perfect prints as long as there are no curves....

With suppots


Publié : 15/12/2021 11:50 am
Famed Member
RE: Cant print under curves. Help please

Nice to post pictures but to have hard data on which to offer more than general suggestions and wild guesses, please take one of those models and use Prusaslicer's File/Save project as command to create a .3mf file. Then ZIP compress it (or the forum software won't accept it) and attach it to your next post. This way we can see all your settings. Folks around here are really good at working magic with Prusaslicer but need some data to work with.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Publié : 15/12/2021 12:18 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cant print under curves. Help please

It's just basic physics, you cant print severe overhangs.  Theres just not enough of the layer below for filament to bond to.  Compounded by reduced cooling looking at the images. At the lowest layers there not enough room to get support under them (unless you use soluble supports with zero contact distance).

Fuchsr suggestion of a zipped up project 3mf is always the best way though as that allows much more detailed examination but I would be highly surprised if its not too steep a overhang.

There are loads of threads on here already about this.  Its just not something current generation fdm printers are good at.  Its why when you design a part and you know its going to be 3d printed you design it with its eventual print orientation in mind and in such a way as it can be printed.  Rounded fillets on the bottom of things just aren't practical.  Use a chamfer instead.

Publié : 15/12/2021 1:55 pm
Matt Boyer a aimé
Hydraulic Jack
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cant print under curves. Help please

I'll print a curved calibration model and post the settings tonight.


I dont think its the settings. Ive tried so many combinations... Not just changing speed, layer height, and temps. Ive studied everything and tried printing that satellite dish 30+ time, all progressively getting more complicated with settings. On my last PETG settings, I changed and tweaked most settings possible. 

Ill update the firmware too. I havent done that in a while.


I did find the curves printer slightly better along the Y axis better than X. Not by much tho. 

Publié : 15/12/2021 2:10 pm
Hydraulic Jack
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Cant print under curves. Help please

I greatly apologize if this is a duplicated thread. I will discontinue attempted support on the community threads. 

Publié : 15/12/2021 2:20 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Cant print under curves. Help please

Dont worry too much about that, the search function on the forum sucks 🙂  A search using google limited to site is appreciated though.  Tend to find things better that way.

Publié : 15/12/2021 2:54 pm
Famed Member
RE: Cant print under curves. Help please

As neophyl said, these overhangs are the bane of FDM printing. Yet those pictures look worse than what I'd expect. Without 3mf though hard to check. 

What about supports? Will those get you acceptable results?

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Publié : 15/12/2021 3:09 pm
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