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ABS sticking a bit too well
I did my first ABS print a few days ago. I used ICE Filaments ABS-X, with the "generic ABS" profile in Slic3r and a 0.1mm layer height. It printed really nicely, but when everything had cooled down, it was almost impossible to get the part off the print bed! I had to pry a corner loose with a spatula, and then I could, with some effort, peel it off. It stuck to the bed even more than PETG!
Before I started printing, I cleaned the print bed with isopropyl alcohol. Should I use something else, window cleaner for example, like for PETG?
Napsal : 17/11/2018 5:17 pm
Re: ABS sticking a bit too well
I've been told that is what the gluestick is supplied for. Coat the printed area with glue, and ABS pops off easier. Recoat as needed.
Napsal : 18/11/2018 1:39 am
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Re: ABS sticking a bit too well
Yep, that solved the problem. Thanks!
Napsal : 21/11/2018 3:10 am