Why is the whole bed leveled, if only a small part is printed?
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Why is the whole bed leveled, if only a small part is printed?  

Estimable Member
Why is the whole bed leveled, if only a small part is printed?

I wonder why the whole bed is leveled every time I do a small print. I often print objects with a size of 2 by 2 cm, yet the whole bed is leveled. A lot of people switch to firmwares which do a 7 by 7 or even 9 by 9 point leveling and get much improved results. However, it take a much longer time to scan so many points.

Why can't the leveling only be done in the area that's being printed on?

Posted : 11/01/2019 6:10 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Why is the whole bed leveled, if only a small part is printed?

Because bed leveling is a single firmware gcode inserted at the start of a print. The firmware has no iidea what size the print is so does everything.

Posted : 12/01/2019 1:51 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Why is the whole bed leveled, if only a small part is printed?

Maybe in that case it would make sense to expand the G80 command to accept parameters like "from coordinate -> to coordinate" ?

Posted : 12/01/2019 9:41 pm