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Weird warping  

Active Member
Weird warping

Hi everyone,
I got myself a Mk3 two month ago, until now everything went really well. Today I wanted to print a quite big part for the first time. After some time I went to check how the print and the layers startet to warp in a very strange way. Picture below.

Some facts of the print:
Matirial: PLA
0,4mm Layerhight
215C Nozzle, 60C bed
slightly increased overallspeed
the rest of the settings stayed from the Slic3r Prusa preset

Has anybody seen this befor?
Is this a failure due to the printsettings, specially layerhight? Maybe an extruding failure? Or could it be a filament problem? I must admit that the PLA spool had been laying around just like that without "protection" against humidity for some days.

I'm very thankfull for any help.
happy printing,

Postato : 13/11/2018 8:41 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Weird warping

you dont say which prusa preset you modified!
raising the layer height and the speed at the same time might outstrip the extruder's ability to melt plastic,
normal advice is that layer height should not exceed 80% of nozzle size. so if you are using the standard 0.4mm nozzle, then your layer height is too big!

try slicing with standard values for the nozzle size that you are using

does the picture show the top layer of that section of the print?
top layer infill is usually a lower extrusion width to other infill widths

it could be this reduced extrusion width, is exacerbating the problems with high layer height!

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Postato : 13/11/2018 11:01 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Weird warping

Thank you very much for your answer and your advises.

it was definitly a beginners mistake, i've been too impatient. As I have to print a lot of bigger parts I tried to pump up the printspeed.
Currently I'm printing with standart 0,2mm layerhight (Prusa 0,2mm Preset) but a little bit faster and it works fine... 3 more hours to go.

I guess I'll buy a bigger nozzel so I can print faster, I only have to print structure parts so they dont need much detail and a fine surface.

Postato : 13/11/2018 11:31 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Weird warping

As Joan said - the printer is limited by the ability to melt the plastic. In fact Prusa's standard settings for PLA are very fast.
I am usually reducing the speeds for better layer adhesion and part quality.

Gather experience with the standard settings as a baseline, then modify to taste and you will have a reference to see what you are gaining and giving up. These pages are full of posts about printing issues that were solved by getting a good first layer and returning to standard settings.

Postato : 14/11/2018 8:42 am