Weird noise while printing
My Prusa i3 MK3S+ makes weird noise while printing. This noise is new, before the printer never made this sound. I cant identify from where the noise is coming. Does anyone have an idea from where this sound is coming or what i could do?
Thanks for helping!
RE: Weird noise while printing
The sound is only at the beginning of a print, after the first 2 layers the sound is gone
RE: Weird noise while printing
To me that sounds like the extruder is clicking as it having trouble feeding filament for some reason. You could lightly touch the extruder motor while it is happening and see if you can feel it.
The likely culprits:
Extruder idler pressure is wrong - sometimes a filement is a little off spec and the idler must be adjusted to the true diameter.
Extruder clogged with dust/filament debris - open idler and blow/brush clean.
First layer Z offset too low AND print temperature low causing excess back pressure.
Surface contamination on filament compromising grip.
RE: Weird noise while printing
Thanks! I checked it and the noise is really coming from the extruder. i adjusted the idler pressure and before i cleaned it. I made a first layer calibration. Today i made a new print and the noice is gone.
Thanks for the fast answer and have a nice day!