Unable to calibrate IR sensor with new chimney parts for MK3S+ upgrade
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Unable to calibrate IR sensor with new chimney parts for MK3S+ upgrade  

Estimable Member
Unable to calibrate IR sensor with new chimney parts for MK3S+ upgrade
I printed and installed the upgraded extruder and other parts for the MK3S+ but can't get the IR sensor calibrated.
I have the MMU2S so printed the updated chimney, cover and idler (with lever) and spent well over 2 hours trying to calibrate.
These are updated parts so I thought this would be easy.
I gave up and reinstalled the previous version of chimney, cover and idler and it took less than a minute to calibrate and get the sensor working again.
My sensor is the one that came with the MMU2 originally.
Has anyone also experienced this problem with the new MK3S+ upgraded parts?
Postato : 17/12/2020 8:43 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Unable to calibrate IR sensor with new chimney parts for MK3S+ upgrade
By way of update, I found some posts in other forums from people who have had the same problem with earlier part versions of the idler cover.
It turns out that filament brand, not just colour, can also cause issues with the IR sensor.
I printed my updated parts in eSun solid black PETG. I found some Prusa black PETG filament that I had and reprinted chimney, cover and idler cover & reinstalled these parts.
It took me less than a minute to calibrate and the IR sensor now works properly.
Postato : 19/12/2020 7:55 pm