trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer
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trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer  

Active Member
trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

I got a new PC and have installed:PrusaSlicerVersion:   2.7.1+win64Build:     PrusaSlicer-2.7.1+win64-202312121425

I have a Prusa i3 MK3S+ printer. I set the slicer for the Original Prusa i3 MK3S.

When I attempt to print file, I get error "gcode generated for different printer"

I saved a project and will upload the 3mf file.

I updated printer to latest firmware, and it did not fix the problem.


Best Answer by Neophyl:

Yes there is.  Well Mostly.  Most of the settings are actually stored at the end of any gcode file you create with PS.  To make it really easy you can use File >Import>Import Config and then select a gcode file created from PS.  That will load in all the settings that were saved as part of that gcode.  So its a bit all or nothing.  You can always open the gcode in a text editor though and scroll to the bottom and manually look through if you only want a couple.  Not everything is saved in the gcode but most things are.

One tip - start to save everything you slice as a Project File.  Projects store the profiles, part placement, modifiers, painting etc.  They act as a snapshot of your slice and make going back later to edit things much much simpler.  You can regenerate the gcode from them.  They are also compressed so are smaller that the stl files usually.  It's also the first thing we ask for when it comes to debugging most issues because they are a snapshot.  They save more than the settings list in the gcode.

You can also use the File>Import menu item to load in settings from your projects just like gcode so they can act as libraries of settings too.

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Bigjohn

Big John

Posted : 03/02/2024 9:19 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

First of all no attached file.  You have to zip files to attach them. 

Second, add the correct printer using the wizard.  A Mk3 is different to the Mk3S+.  So of course its giving you a warning.  Add the right printer and slice with that profile.

Posted : 04/02/2024 12:32 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

Ill setup with the wizard and try to print again

Big John

Posted : 04/02/2024 3:27 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

I added the printer to PrusaSlicer using the wizard. Resliced my print and tried again. No different. Still get error.

I am going to see if I can install older version of slicer, and try that. attaching new zip of 3mf. and a zip of gcode.

Big John

Posted : 04/02/2024 5:55 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

When I open your project it opens up with a MK3 printer profile.  NOT a MK3S.  The gcode you also attached is also for a MK3.  

M862.3 P "MK3" ; printer model check
M862.1 P0.4 ; nozzle diameter check
M115 U3.13.2 ; tell printer latest fw version

Possibly stupid question , you are selecting the correct printer from the dropdowns when slicing ?  If you have installed both printers you will still have to select the correct one.


Posted : 04/02/2024 6:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

I have PrusaSlicer 2.5.2 installed on my laptop. I copied the stl to it, sliced it and then tried it on printer. Its worked with no issues. So, either I have something setup wrong, or version PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 has an issue with my printer. I am going to see if I can find the 2.5.2 slicer to install on my main computer to replace 2.7.1.

Big John

Posted : 04/02/2024 8:59 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

Looks like I picked the wrong one. I'll try with mk3s. Good eye, thanks.

I guess I just picked the first on. I have not had to change setting in several years. I know, that's no excuse, but best i have 😑 

Big John

Posted : 04/02/2024 9:10 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

Picking the correct printer cured my issue. Should have caught that myself.

Now, I just need to figure out the print parameters I was using. Guess I should have written them down. Is there any way to retrieve the printer setup from a gcode I generated before that printed properly? Prints are not sticking to the bed now. Was having no issues before I changed versions of the PrusaSlicer.

Big John

Posted : 05/02/2024 4:17 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

Yes there is.  Well Mostly.  Most of the settings are actually stored at the end of any gcode file you create with PS.  To make it really easy you can use File >Import>Import Config and then select a gcode file created from PS.  That will load in all the settings that were saved as part of that gcode.  So its a bit all or nothing.  You can always open the gcode in a text editor though and scroll to the bottom and manually look through if you only want a couple.  Not everything is saved in the gcode but most things are.

One tip - start to save everything you slice as a Project File.  Projects store the profiles, part placement, modifiers, painting etc.  They act as a snapshot of your slice and make going back later to edit things much much simpler.  You can regenerate the gcode from them.  They are also compressed so are smaller that the stl files usually.  It's also the first thing we ask for when it comes to debugging most issues because they are a snapshot.  They save more than the settings list in the gcode.

You can also use the File>Import menu item to load in settings from your projects just like gcode so they can act as libraries of settings too.

Posted : 05/02/2024 4:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: trying to print using lateast PursaSlicer get error wrong printer

Thanks. I figured there must be a way. Ill also start making Project files every now and then.

I took a bit of experimenting to figure out the parameters that made my printer happy.

Big John

Posted : 05/02/2024 4:43 pm